On the Way, friend and foe

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As we got in, it got darker. Everyone was following me, then Jake. It was a tunnel or something like that. But, a vanishing tunnel? Where did it belong to? We all were full of questions. Still, no answers came.

"Shit! Why didn't we bring torches here?" Olivia shouted. But no one bothered her. We had been walking for long. It was about 6 hours. Still, we didn't find anything.


I sighed. I could hear them screaming. Were they going to the same with me? My thoughts were totally different. I won't let them do this. Let Steve come here. I thought.

I kept thinking if Steve would ever come to help me get out of this place. My heart beat kept changing from irregular to regular. But it stayed more erratic. This Chain World sucked. I had never seen this kind of place in my life. Not even in movies. I started thinking if it's a new planet which scientists haven't discovered yet. I felt good for a moment. But then I thought it was bad staying here. I was still waiting for Steve and others to come and help me.


Suddenly, we heard some alien voices. Zac quicly put his hand on Olivia's mouth. "Hmm..." Jake smirked at Zac. "Everyone be quiet." I whispered. We entered a big cave. It was dark here. Olivia started laughing for no reason. We heard our echos and everyone laughed. "So this is what we were saying aliens." I chuckled. "Guys, Chloe is trying to connect to us." Jake came running.


I was trying to connect to them. I missed everyone. I didn't have an idea why they left Gia with me. She was so rude with me. She kept typing on her phone and didn't care about me. I was really worried. I pressed the 'call' button again. A vibration came. Someone spoke "Hey".

"Hello! Is this Steve and others?" I replied.

"Yeah...It's me, Jake speaking. Everyone is with me." He said.

"Are you guys alright?" I ensured.

"Yeah we're fine, lady?" I heard Steve mumble.

"Haha yeah. Be careful." I said.

"Who are you talking to?" Gia spoke.

I didn't bother to tell her. So I lowered the volume.

"No one." I pulled a face.

I heard everyone of them laugh. They looked happy.

"Well, we have to carry on. Talk to you later." Olivia said and the call ended. I didn't end it so I could hear everything they speak.


I had felt my eye bags hanging. I felt bad for myself. Suddenly, I felt something change in my heart. It seemed like there was nothing there. I felt like I was feeling good. Like someone was coming to help me. I hoped Steve was coming. Patience.........

The aliens started undoing the chains. When they were finished, a crane came and picked me pick. I was so afraid. It dropped me in a big container. Yeah, it was big. Big like a sea. I hit someone's face and I saw everyone here was like me. Everyone was shouting and screaming. Again, I saw the crane come and pick up many people and throw them into the boiling red water. Was the same going to happen with me? It made me worry.


I again gave myself hope. We had to walk so much to reach her. But I was imagining how did Kaylee walk that much? She disappeared. But we didn't. We came to a tunnel. That was weird.

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