Cave: Heavely Talks, seriously?

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Dust filled the air making it hard to see. "Is everyone alright?" Olivia, who was lying on the ground, helped herself stand up. We were badly injured. Jake, who was the only one standing, helped us.

"See this!" Zac, whose wrist was bleeding badly, mumbled. We had no sign of bandages or pyodine in our backpacks as we were not grown ups or we never went together like this.

All we could see in front of us was a deep and big tunnel. It wasn't wide enough to pass through. It was dark and we could hear eerie sounds. The cave was quiet, so we were able to listen each other breath. "This..." Jake murmured. "We have to pass through this?!" He moved a step back.

"Yeah...Of course we have to. If you guys want to find Kaylee, if you really want to help her, you have to pass through this." Olivia answered confidently. "And yeah, you guys, if you are boys, act like a boy too." She ended with a smirk and raised her head.

"Ahem..." Zac chuckled. As he did, Olivia turned her face towards him and laughed out loud. "You..." She couldn't help herself to stop.

"Okay guys, we have to get back to work now." Jake, Mr.Serious Scientist busted in.

Everyone cleared their throats. Olivia coughed, "Who'll go first?" She raised her eyebrows.

Zac moved back a little bit.

"Ahem, the first one to go is Zac." Olivia ended laughing.

"Why? Me?" Zac widened his greyish blue eyes.

"Oh My God! Your eyes!!" Olivia put her hand on her face.

Zac blinked. I reckon he blinked hundred times at the moment.

"What happened Steve? You aren't speaking. Is everything okay? Got a pain or something?" Jake whispered.

"'m worried about Kaylee. And these lovebirds aren't stopping." I replied.

"Lovebirds?!" Jake chuckled. " they have feelings too..." He murmured.

"Yeah...I don't mean that...let's carry on!" I requested everyone.

Olivia pulled a face. So did I. "Steve?!" Jake mumbled. He always corrected me. After all, he was a Serious Scientist.

"Okay.." I widened my eyes.

"Yeah I know your eyes are beautiful, Mr...." Olivia pulled out her tongue.

I went to her and smacked her on her face. " serious. I won't leave you next time. You're so bad. You're not even paying attention! If you had to do this, why did you even come?!" I shouted at her.

Jake pulled me back. "Stop it Steve!" He shouted.

I could see Zac blinking again. I wanted to kill Olivia and Zac. All I had to do, and I was doing, was to find Kaylee. I had made a decision that I would even die to get Kaylee back. I had many plans.

Olivia was getting red. I tried to ignore her.

"Will you guys ever stop fighting?" Zac murmured. He was always murmuring. He was a good, mama's boy. Everyone liked him at school.

"Bad boy!" Olivia giggled. She never learnt a lesson if anyone told her to be serious.

"Let's carry on..." Mr.Serious Scientist said.

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