Little Sister (Fili X sister! Reader X Kili

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You where in Mirkwood forest with your brothers uncle and other friends, like brothers you where a tall dwarf like Kili but you where inch or two shorter but you, where the youngest while Fili was the middle and Kili the oldest out of you 3. You where swing your sword axe and even archer you where know for you temper, skill you where the only female that actly could stand up to Thorin in fall rage. But others backed down either they scarred or they just don't want him more angry that he already is. After a blonde jumps from a tree to a web sting jumps on the spider kills it then takes a arrow cuts a spider in half almost with that and aims it at your uncle then i noticed one of my brothers are missing then i say
"Kili" then fili and i shout it out then a redhead comes and puts a red head with the group i run to Kili and say brother, and hug him because well if you family is in danger, you stand up for them if you love after your brothers you and your uncle are taken to the king Thranduil your blood rages though your vein you want to kill him where he stand everyone leaves, then he stands talking "some may have menchind a noble quest is at hand. a quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon. I think there's are more pros a head mountive attempted bergular or something of that ilk, you have found a way in a seek that would restore a upon you the right to rule the kings jewel the arkenstone. it is precious to you beyond measure i understand that there are gems in the mountain that i do desire white gems of pure starlight i offer you my help" you scoff at his last sentence he ignores your scoff "i am listening" "i will let you go if you return what is mine" You and your brothers stand there and roll your eyes "a favor for a favour" you think true "one king to another" you look at king Thranduil surprised thinking 'yeah a king would help all then Thorin says " i wouldn't trust Thranduil the great king to honor his word to end of all days be upon us you lack on honor i have seen how you treat your friends we came to you staving homeless but you turned your back you turn away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that distrored us in rate in lat or sol"
"do not talk to me of dragon fire i know it wrath and ruin i have faced the great serpents of the north "i have wared you grand father of what his greed could summon but he would not listen you just like him" *PUNCH* then you hear from your brothers "she is beauty she is grace she will punch you in the face" you face was burning Thorin, Fili and Kili stood back after realizes you mood and you where know for your rage "king Thranduil" looked at you in anger and you said "YOU KNEW NOTHING OF ARE GRANDFATHER SO WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP AND GET YOU FACTS RIGHT YOU MIGHT BE THE KING HERE BUT YOUR NO KING UNDER THE FINALLY DWARF LORD PLACE OF EREBOR JUST BECAUSE YOU GREEDY LITTLE SHIT THAT DOESN'T DISERVE THE WHITE GEMS OF LAVASGER AND THAT YOU CAN'T IT DWAFE MY KIN ARE ONLY FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE WHO DON'T DICTH US AND HELP US EVEN IT WOULD RISK YOUR KIN LIVES 13 DWAVES LEFT EVER TO EXCIST BECUASE YOUR SOMEONE WHO HAS MORE KIN AND GIVES A SHIT ONLY ABOUT THERE FAMILY AND SELF WELL I DON'T THINK YOU GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR OWN SON" you shout the king takes a step back with surprised look at his face he look hurt thorin says "that my niece" he say smiling thranduil says i didn't expect to have a dwafe woman with that rage, you grab his colur and say "i might be a women but at least i don't run from a fight unlike you stupid elf" before kicking him in his jewels and your uncle hugging you and saying he is proud i am a durin with a bad rage legolas walks in right on q with his father sore legolas looks at you all and say "WHO HURT MY FATHER" you smile and your bothers and uncle step back legolas say "is it funny that you hurt my father even you own kin bailed on you. you turn and face them and say you didn't bail you knew i wanted the truth out then nod you hear king thranduil saying "son she has a bad rage don't" he says trying to stand up legolas say a dwafe women with bad rage he say giggling then tauriel walks in and stand near king thranduil helping him surpprt after his event and your episode you face thranduil saying this your son he nodd and says don't hurt him you say father like son before punching him he falls to the ground you uncle and brothers scream in cheer legolas has a blood nose he looks at you in shock and say you can hit and you smile and say i am one durin who in all kingdom of erebor who has the most rage out of all so don't and you all leave and thranduil does nothing to stop you all you stopped for the night ar bards and told the story all the dwave where happy even uncle and brothers said it was true the dwves said he won't mess with us again and you all fell asleep THE END

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