imagine teasing

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in my head jason derulo i finally have internet back 1 out of 3

You woke up you've been in mirkwood for 5 years you catch the king every now on then staring at you so today you gonna tease him at least your from earth but used to elven ways you met in riverdell and stayed you learned their ways now you gonna break free just for today you open you ipod thats you haven't used ina while and its permanently stuck on 50 percent so works fine you turn it up you do eyeline, winged eyeliner, mascara, ight pink-ish red lipstick, old school shirt, stockings black, navy blue skirt, above knees for the tease and and matte balck heels (not in pic their shorter) you walk out gaurds stare some in interest some in like teasing which is what i want i turn and the kings there and the prince i bow "prince legolas you majesty" you walk ahead you feel eye on you still you walk to the public garden and put one headphone in and walk around you take a deep breath you feel eyes on you again you hear faint step a presence behide you freash rain water and fruity 'wine' you think only one person drinks wine more than most "your majesty" you say "where you trying to tease someone" his voice states "yes there stare so i wanna tease them clearly it worked" you whisper you walk away a hand grips yours they pull you in "teasing a gaurd is easy but a king thats in love with the tease is harder" you smirk "or they grow hard" the kings eye close and open hes holding back it works you slip from his grip and walk away with a bit of hip swinging you walk away one you out you stop you walk past the kings chambers but hands grip you and forslce you agaist the wall blonde hair the king can't leave you be he close the gap but something close your private area you know exactly what that is you laugh "so it worked"

P.S Need legolas request's 😇

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