Teasing final!!!

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I like to thank EMSeriff for all she has done and made me wanna continue even with terrible grammar go check her stories i promise you they worth it

Rëa woke up she remeber last night the air had a drafty smell she sat up she turned her head staring at her lover and king she smiled she put her head on his chest unknown to her he opened his eye he placed his arm on hers around the back she jumped "morning" she smiled "meleth you suprised me" he giggled "you woke me up he said put his hand under her chin and kissing her even in the kiss she still had butterflys the door opened a maid went the bathroom half hour later she walked out "you bath is ready" she said stareimg at the floor and leave there enjoy their bath unknown what the future held
A maid rushed the unknown future queen to get ready did her make-up got her in a red dress

Rëa woke up she remeber last night the air had a drafty smell she sat up she turned her head staring at her lover and king she smiled she put her head on his chest unknown to her he opened his eye he placed his arm on hers around the back she jump...

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her make was red lipstick and brown eyeshadow

once that was done she spun and saw thranduil his jaw was open she smile and walked to him "close your eyes" she did has she was told she felt something cold touch her neck she opened and stareing into thranduils eyes he smiled gave her a kiss and...

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once that was done she spun and saw thranduil his jaw was open she smile and walked to him "close your eyes" she did has she was told she felt something cold touch her neck she opened and stareing into thranduils eyes he smiled gave her a kiss and they walked to the party once their got their unknown of the events occurring in the moment she danced with the king only after the dance the door opend wide and unexpected guest arrived the king knew this person and in person "am i late" a sweet smiled curled on her lips her black dress hair showed up like royalty "you have no business here" the king said "do i meleth" the king took a breathe held his wife and spoke "you cannot call me that you not her she died and left me in hell untill someone fixed my broken heart" she did change "a torn paper never the same never truely healed but i'm to heal all your scars" she smile "regina your no longer my wife you died my fire and at that" thranduil scar was gonne show from painful memeories you smwalk in front of his and cupled his face his eye closed "deep breathe meleth" his eye opened and regina held a knife she threw it the king moved her but a gaurd stood in front in his king many gasp were heard but the new queen did think so she walked to the gaurd removed the helmet it was her maid "my queen i'm sorry" you sad smiled "thank you mello but why" she smiled and coughed up blood "i was her personal maid like i'm yours i own this to the king" the king kneeled next to her "no you don't you did nothing wrong" sad eye filled her face "i was the brought her back not knowing her true side what dead should stay" the king was disappointed "sorry my king" her last breaths was taken regina screamed thranduil wife busted out in flames and fell in the river below gaurds remove the maid and party guest leave the king was unset but his wife was crying she stood and walked to the front told the guest the party is still on its just unplanned they continued their had to lighter they apirts somehow she knew she walked to the paino music cut and she played the notes the king smiled

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