savage: Tauriel getting jealous (legolas)

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Tauriel getting jealous because legolas likes you.

Your from earth you arrived on the plant tauriel and legolas go shooting to kill spiders with a group you stayed with the king tauriel noticed legolas looks at you more than a friend in a love way so she get jealous your 24 and legolas is 2,941 (ruffly) she come back glared at you king noticed and said nothing besides "what's there to report" legolas bowed and said "not done they growing faster than we though" tauriel said "my lord why don't we feed the spiders then kill them and I'm coved in cobwebs" tauriel was ment to hurt you with the word when she said feed she looked at you. You smiled and said "why don't you keep your legs closed then the spiders will leave" you and you earth friends laughed Tauriel pointed a arrow at you while you laugh and rolled around laughing then got up and say take I am no looking happy "GIRLS I HAD ENOUGH YOU TO BICKER DAY AMD NIGHT WHEN DON'T WE HEAR YOU TO FIGHT" you bow and say "sorry mi'lprd tauriel clearly jealours of something" "I've had enough you go around  saying the prince is your no he's not" you laugh and say "I don't say that only someone despite for love does which is you slut" and you leave your friends snicker and follow tariel bows and leaves and go training and tries to shot you she misses the king and the prince see it you look at tariel and you walk to her and say "aim better I doubt the King wants a lame aimer -" " I was aiming for you the prince is mine" "so your jealous I don't like the prince in that way so he's yours" "HAHAHA how can I he has a crush on you" you stop laughing and say"bullshit" and you leave fuming the prince sits down thranduil looks at Legolas and says "you do love the earthling" Legolas nodded crying she saved me and yet she says she can't fight I love her Ada what do I do Y/N will never approval she don't like me" thranduil sat down pulled legolas close rubbed his back while Legolas became teary he loved you more than words describe thranduil said "write her a poem" "Taurie storks her she follows her and sometimes when she thinks I don't notice I know she does" "then ***** ***" (nothing inappropriate just find out later) thanduil says Legolas shoots up and run to you and knocks the king smiles he grown found of you your in the race of men yet you lived way longer you (245) in elf years you don't age for some reason) Legolas knocked on no answer but quiteness he opens the door and tauriel held a knife over your throat and hand over your mouth while your hands on her amrs while trying to move hers "Stop tauriel" "why your supposed to be mine" "tauriel I don't love you" I know the king walks in shocked "TAURIEL EGO WA HE" tauriel doesn't move you face Legolas saying "sorry" they both noticed it you step on tauriel foot and headbut her she turns and stabbed you you hold the knife while tumble backwards she smiles the king nocked his sons bow and arrow and fires it at tauriel she land with and arrow glued to the wall and her shoulder with a arow out Legolas was crying the king called gaured and healers the gaured s came so did the healers two gaured knocked the king out then the prince the maids look shocked the gaurds said forget or your died then nodded and left you woke up in a cell with thranduil chained to the wall while you couldn't move with your wound he woke up an looked around "sorry your majesty" thranduil looked at you. You where dying you coughed and spat blood at you look at him "sorry I had to " he nodded in understanding you hear screams "Legolas" the King says two gaured come and "looks who's awake and dying" "burn in hell you pricks" you say they say "we didn't the king did well ex king he won't survive with out food and water" they push in a maid well healer and lock it she landed on the kings lap "sorry mi'lord" "that's fine they pushed you" the healer walks to you and see your wound you hiss she apologies I hid this she give you a pain killer and healer and bandages you wound you fall asleep after the healer tries to get the king free but he says no use (3 days later) you wake up and the maids gone then you open again and maids pushed in and whipped she looks sad "they taken Legolas made him King and tauriel put him under a spell" the king can't stand it. You get up pull a bobby pin out lucky you have you hair up you walk and fidy with the looks the kimg laughs and say "no u-" you relise his hand from chain he looks at you while you fiddle with the other he says "how" you smile "good old bobby pins" you break free his other hand you try the cell door and breaks "son of a bitch" you curse you pull put your grab another one and try it with a bit of luck it breaks free you walk in the ball legolas says "seize them" king looks shock you elbow a gaurd punch him in the throat and give his sword to the king which he takes while the maid stays in the cell scared and you have the daggers you fight till you near Legolas thranduil says "stop this Legolas" "your majesty to you my wife and I are your king and queen you bow to use soon to be three" thranduil heart stops he looks at you. You drop you daggers and fall to you knees legolas says any last words you stand and say only three words you kiss him and say "I love you" he smirks and says "chain her and "father" up" up he faints you and thranduil race to Legolas tauriel pushes you away but no avrill Legolas eyes open and says "Ada Y/N" you smile and a tear falls from you eyes Legolas realize his fathers crown is on his head he takes it off and puts it on his fathers head thranduil smiles Legolas faces you and said "repeat the words' "I love you" you say he smiles and kiss you " thranduil stands "seize her" gaurds grab tauriel "wait ada" the guards stop turiel says "i'm still expecting" Legolas nocked a arrow and fire it deep enoughto stop her pregnancy but not enough to kill her" "that's for putting me in a spell"

(5 years later)
"Children" thranduil says Legolas and you stop being silly "you were gone for 3 years where were you I was worried" you and him step aside and he see a girl running and a boy yelling "grandfather" the hug thranduil legs he smile you and Legolas say "surprise" he smiles and hugs you both crying "happy 6,750 ada" thranduil smiles "thank you for the love present well grandchildren" he smiles

End (all I can think off)

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