teasing part 2

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Talk dirty and in my head remix

He rolls his eyes and opens this chamber doors He pinned you to the wall and claim your mouth while your hand explores his pants when you start leaving hickeys on his neck he look at you begging for more he can't be hind his eyes is anger he pin you and tries to move your hand out of his pants but you wrap you legs around his waist to make him stop it you sad after that he moans he says your asking for me to take you right you nodded and say never do it before he looks happy he pushes on his bed he climbs over and kiss your neck and lips till you have few hickeys and swollen lips he undressed you he kisses you down and say my king stop teasing" you moan the king see you trying to not moan he sees it in your eyes he says then moan you say "no" he then eats you out you breathe intake he climbs up you say you tried me and you take him lollypop and suck the flavour out he moans after you are tied to the bed and ready to realize he pushes himself in you be a the intake he kisses you as he starts his thrust your breathe starts going crazy he starts being rough your whole body shaking he sure to break the bed his thrust start being hard so your realizing again he says good girl cum for your king you head rolls he slowly notice something his thrust go slower but still how they where before he kisses you you claw his back and kiss him rough and wrap your hands around his waist his thrust go faster the first fast one his you spot you moan he noticed he hitting the right spot he goes slow and he then says bad move darling you removes you hands from his chest he tries you up and he eat you again and he taste very little of himself from his thrusts he sees you struggling trying to hold your moans he then hears something "Fuck me my king take me king Thranduil" he smiles and he says that's a good girl name start again he says he says thrusting you hold your moans it too hard to your moan his name "Thranduil" he goes slowly he says "what's my name" "Thranduil" "louder"  "Thranduil" he goes slower like really slow a person knock and says my lord Thranduil you have a meeting he recognized a maid he says "OK I be there in a minute" and she leaves he stops thrusting he says "my love I have a meeting" he untied you big mistake you flip him he say it again "my love I have a meeting it is important" he says getting up and you push him down and tie him up he look at you trying to undo his ropes he says "love stop I tried and I need a meeting to go to doing this makes me tired love stop" he says serious you shake your head no and kiss him and start it again from the top you start the sucking he slowly moans he tries to hold but can't you look at him he unties him self and pins you to the bed and he enters you again and rides you you heard the springs going crazy your hear the bed cracking he was strong fast rough and passionate inside you you moaned loud he go to a pace you two couldn't kiss he had to make you stop so he could go the meeting he rode you like a A cowboy and a bull the bed slowly creaks he paces quickens it really fast you realized enough you start screaming His name "THRANDUIL" you moan

School hoildays yeah😊

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