kissing legolas fellowship

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you were with the fellowship with aragon frodo sam merry pippin' bomomir and your crush legolas you where going to destory the 'one ring' you have been gone for a little while with them you left riverdell your home to destroy it so you where all about to leave and start a new day when gimli pushes you. you land near legolas you say sorry to him and turn to gimli and say really gimli legolas faces you and say it wasn't your fault then gives gimli a death stare and all gimli does is cover his mouth with one hand and aragon laughs you look at argon and roll your eyes then get on your horse to start your day you ride to the snowy mountians and you got rest before it you woke up and legolas was sleeping on the other side of the tent you got up and saw you were the only one up after sometime legolas woke up and comes out nd sits by the fire and after a while the rest of the fellowship say Y/N loves legolas you look at them and give a death glare and then there shout Y/N and legolas sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g you get up and walk away to just the start of a tree line and you sit down you pull you clock closer to you and say god why did they embarass me and you fall asleep the next day you get up pack you stuff and you her them shout Y/N and legolas you shot back ENOUGH they stop then you race aheard but what you don't see legolas giving them a deathstare and shout REALLY ARAGON GIMLI SO IMMUTURE and legolas rides away from them aswell he hears crying he stops and see your cloak he rides near it and he sees you crying with you knees upto your chest and your head on you knees he walks over and says so they immuture well aragon anyway i think gimli idea was to shout that out you look at him he sees you red eyes he walk to you and sees you freezing you say i am fine you stand up and say i am gonna go back you feel being pushed onto a tree and you see legolas with his hands on you wrists and they behide the tree he leans in and kisses you your shocked at what you doing you feel you hands loose you slid them out and cup his face with you hands and deepen the kiss after you pull back he smiles at you then a idea comes to mind you walk back because you loose legolas in the forest and you ride back to the company nd you slowly ride off witht them after you see legolas at the back of the company you camp up for the night and legolas and aaragon walk away and comeback with fire wood you think lights camara action and you face legolas and kiss im infrount off the fellowship and legolas kisses you back after the kiss you see gimli aragon boromir merry pippin frodo an sam jaws on the ground then aragon smiles

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