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*Kim's POV*

I wake up to the sound of a camera, and I look up and see Michael, the boy Miles introduced me to yesterday, taking a picture of me and Jay sleeping together.

"Really Michael? It's like 7:30 why are you up? And why are you in here?" I asked him quietly trying not to wake up Jay.

"Jay told me to come wake him up every morning cause he would just hit snooze on his alarm. And also you two look very cute together. Don't worry I won't show this to Miles."  He says to me.

"Michael get out."  I say. He leaves and I shake Jay awake. He is a very heavy sleeper so I had to shake him a lot just to get him up. But finally he gets up.

"Good morning Jay." I say to him.

"Good morning." He responds in that deep/raspy 'just woke up' voice.

I got up, so that I could head out of the room to get ready to go, and when I was basically at the door Jay called my name so I turned around.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked me. To be honest he looked a little sad that I was leaving.

"I have to go get ready, today is my first day. I'd like to at least look presentable for them." I responding, causing him to pout.

"But last night was fun, I don't want you to go." He tells me, causing me to smile and blush.

"Jay I have to get ready, but we can hang out at the studio today when I'm done learning the ropes." I tell him. He finally lets me leave his room. I walk outside and realize I am still wearing his hoodie. I knock on the door and he opens it.

"I forgot to give you your hoodie back." I say.

"Keep it." He says, smiles, and closes the door. I head back to my room, and realize that I left my phone in there last night. I get in my room and immediately check my phone to make sure I didn't miss anything important. I see that I have 4 texts from this morning and they are from Miles, so I open my phone and look at them.

Miles 😂💕- hey kim.

Miles 😂💕 - do you wanna hang out since it's your first night in LA?

Miles 😂💕- hello? why didn't you respond last night?

Miles 😂💕- i'm coming over in 5 minutes, you better not be dead.

Me - miles, it's all good, sorry I was with Jay last night, didn't have my phone with me.

Miles 😂💕- next time bring your phone with you, i was scared something happened. see you at the studio.

Me - ok I will next time.

That's what I love about Miles, he is so protective over me. I change out of my clothes and take a shower, straighten my hair, and do a natural makeup look. I change into some ripped jeans, and I decide to wear Jay's sweatshirt, because it smells good and it was very comfortable. I grab my room key, phone, and some money and head out of the room.

As I get into the hallway, I see Jay walking out of his room at the same time. So I call his name. He looks up and smiles and walks over to me.

"Hey you're wearing my sweatshirt." He says with a smile on his face.

"Ya, you know it's really comfortable."  I say and look down to the ground and smile.

We walk to the elevator together, and go downstairs to the lobby of the hotel. Michael was already down there and he was smirking at the both of us.

"Y'all are cute. I ship it."  He says to me and Jay. And then Chance walks up.

"Who are we shipping?" He asks Michael, then he looks and sees me and Jay. "Ohhh, I see now." He says, smirking at us. Both him and Michael's comments made me blush, luckily I'm only 5'4 so Jay can't see me blushing.

The rest of the boys come into the lobby and i recognized only three of them. I smiled at Devin, Miles, and Drew. But there are about 5 guys that I don't recognize. Miles walks up and he introduces me to the 5 guy, their names are Mikey, Brady, Marcus, Andrew, and Jaden. They all seemed very sweet, and then the van pulled up to take us to the studio.

We all piled into the van, and I was in-between Miles and Jay. I rest my head on Jay's shoulder and he puts his arm around me. I look up and he was staring at me, I smile up at him, and then look back down, as we head over to the rehearsals. Miles was looking at me, and he looked hurt. I still don't know what was up with him.

- Kim

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