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*Kim's POV*

"I'm sorry that I ruined our breakfast date." I said to him.

"You didn't ruin anything, as long as I'm with you that's all that matters." He said, causing me to smile slightly.

We were just lying in bed, Jay was stroking my hair. I went to check my phone to see what time it was, and when I looked I saw that it was 9:30.

"JAY! I have to be at the studio in 20 minutes!"  I said in a panicked tone. I was about to jump up and run to my room when Jay just wrapped his arms around me tightly so I couldn't move.

"You aren't going into work today, I texted Michael when I saw you crying in the hallway, I told him to tell the producers that there was an emergency and you and I would not be making in today."  He said, causing me to let out a sigh of relief, because I knew that meant I wouldn't have to see Miles again today.

"You're amazing, you know that right?" I said to him. He laughed and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Is there anything I can do for you? I could get Miles, he's your best friend right, do you wanna talk to him?" Jay questioned.

I just shook my head and said "I don't want to see Miles right now, he caused this, and I just cannot bear to look at him right now." After I said this I looked at Jay, the look on his face was just pure anger.

"What did he do to you?" He asked.

"Jay, there are two people in my life that know my whole story, my sister and Miles, and I cannot talk to Miles, so I need to talk to her. Okay? I have to go call her." I said.

"Okay, you do what you have to do, and if you want to talk to me about what happened, just know you will always be able to. While you call her I am going to go out and get us something to eat. Text me when you are ready to hang out okay?" He says. I nodded and got up to go to my own room, luckily it was right next door.

Once I got in my room, I pulled out my phone and dialed my sisters number.

"Hello" A voice answered.

"Brianna? I asked.

"Little sis! How's LA treating you?" She said.

"I just...." I couldn't even finish, I just started sobbing.

"Kim what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" She asked me.

"Miles yelled at me, about how stupid I was, and he sounded just like Max used to, he told me I would just make the same mistakes I made before." I said.

"Well for you to make the same mistakes you made before, there would have to be a guy. So who's the guy?" She said.

"His name is Jay, but Brianna he is different, he is special."  I said.

"Okay, if you truly believe he is different, he may be. But you called me for a reason, do you need me to come out there? If you need me to I will." She said.

"Please come out here, I need you." I said.

"Okay I will go buy a ticket now." She said.

"Brianna, before you hang up I have one question." I said.

"Shoot." She said.

"Should I tell Jay what happened?" I asked.

"K, that is entirely up to you, I cannot make that decision for you." She said.

"Okay, thanks, see you when you get to LA." I said, and then hung up with her. After I hung up I quickly texted Jay.

Me - text me when you get back to the hotel with the food, i'm ready to talk to you about earlier

Jay 🙏😍 - okay, i will be back soon, i have to take care of something first

*Jay's POV*

After Kim told me that she was crying over something that Miles had said to her, I was pissed. So after she left to go back to her room I called an Uber to take me to the studio. On my way there I got a text from Kim.

K 😘🙏 - text me when you get back to the hotel with the food, i'm ready to talk to you about earlier

Me - okay, i will be back soon, i have to take care of something first

I finally got to the studio, and headed inside to go give Miles a piece of my mind for hurting my girl. I opened the door and immediately Michael saw me, and gave me a weird look, and came over to me.

"What are you doing here? I thought there was an emergency and you weren't going to be able to come in today." He said.

"There is an emergency and the source of it is here. And I am going to go and find him." I said to Michael. Michael tried to stop me from doing whatever I was about to do, but it didn't work so he just decided to come with me.

We finally got to where Miles was, and he wasn't alone. He was with Chance, Devin, and Mikey.

"Miles you asshole." I said. Causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look up at me.

"Jay I know, okay I didn't mean to do anything." He said. He started to walk over to me, and at that moment I was just to angry with him. So I punched him in the face. At that moment Michael just started to pull me away from Miles, and lead me out of the room.

As he dragged me out of the room I heard either Devin or Chance as Miles "What the hell was that about."

"Jay why did you just punch Miles in the face?" Michael asked me.

"Because he hurt Kim, and he should pay for that" I said, Michael nodded, he has a girlfriend so he understood. We walked outside of the building, and I called an Uber. Once it arrived Michael went back inside, I went to IHop and picked up some food for me and Kim, and headed back to the hotel.

Once I got there, before going to my room I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Kim, telling her I was here, and I headed up to my room. And when I got to my room, Kim was waiting for me outside the door.


Okay sorry for the late update, and the long chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying this so far. :))

- Kim

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