The Demon

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I have added cast for this. Please check the first part..😘

Here you go..


I glared at the man in front of me. He sat there. Pale. Almost lifeless. He wasn't able to speak. His voice died down an hour ago. His brown eyes almost dead.

But the key word here is Almost. Cause I don't plan to kill him just yet. He has a lot to go through. A lot to suffer yet for what he did.

I watched my men torture him. Silently. Calmly. He didn't deserve my anger. He wasn't worth my kill.

"Avonako, I am asking this for the last time. Tell me whom you are working for?" I asked again.

He looked at me in horror.

"You have very few time left. Rey has only two colours." Will snapped him holding the blade against his ear.

The guy was scared to death.

I kept my eyes on him my hands spinning the layers of cube I was solving.
I glanced at Will and gave him a curt nod.

He nodded a sadist smile forming on his face as he pushed the blade inside his ear causing him to scream but no voice came out. He had been screaming for past few hours.

But the bastard refused to open his mouth. I wanted to see how long he can take this all without uttering a word.
I was testing how strong he was. How long he can stand in front of the Rey.

"One colour." I said looking dead into his pale eyes.
They widened in horror. That sight was pleasant. It was good to see people fear me. They needed to if they go against me and I wanted to tell this to everyone.
I am the Rey. This is my empire and you just don't get to harm me or my empire in any way.

Well, trying to take over my club was probably not the best thing to do. But this smart fellow thought it would be fun to provoke me.
Now he is going to pay for what he did.

I was enjoying the reactions I was getting from him.
I moved my eyes from him to the colour cube in my hand. After spinning the last block, the colours were matched.

I wiggled my eyebrows turning the cube around to see if all the colours were perfect.
To his bad, they were.

I placed the cube on the table beside me I stood up.
"Time up." I said calmly.
He flinched at my voice and a smirk made it's way on my face.

I walked to him and he started shaking in fear. The sight very entertaining to watch.
He was my prey. And the best way to kill someone before they even die is to assure them that they don't stand a chance to live.

The fear for life is everything.

His brown eyes silently begged me to show some mercy.
But again, I didn't had any emotions in my dictionary. Sadly, I didn't give a hell to his pleadings.

The fear in his eyes was what I needed to free the beast in me.

"Now, now. I gave you time." I said cocking my head at a side looking at him. His eyes refused to meet mine as I started speaking.

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