You Can Still Think

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I looked out of the window of his room. I could see the Dark Wing standing there.

The thoughts of him weren't ready to leave me. Everything was just replying in my mind. Every moment spent with him. Every touch. Every gentle caress, Everything.

His electric blue eyes and the look in them kept appearing in front of me.

I was attached to him.
So deeply that I couldn't take him out of my system even if I tried to. I loved him.

This was something I had never felt before.

His darkness attracted me like light attracts the tiny insects.

They loose their life only to live near the light for few moments and I was ready to die just to live with him for few moments.

I never wanted a hero in my life. Prince charming was never my kind.

Sometimes a Demon is what you need in your life and he was my Demon.

He was everything I could have asked for.

I felt this weird attraction towards him from the very start. This pull towards him.

They say, sometimes you see someone and your soul just aches to touch theirs. And that's how I felt.

His blue eyes just fascinated me. They always held me in cage and I didn't notice when I started loving the cage.

That my heart just never wanted to escape it.

The more I refused, the more the feelings came running back to me.

I just didn't know when I started loving him.
But I did..

I heard the door open and I glanced back to look at him.

His hair were messy. It didn't take me long to realise he had ran his fingers repeatedly through them. His eyes tired and suit jacket in his hands with the sleeved of the shirt rolled up. He looked exhausted.

I smiled at him and he smiled back palely dropping the jacket on the bed before sitting there.

I walked to the bed slowly. My body still ached.

I sat beside him.

He leaned forward his elbows on his knees and hands clasped together as he gazed at nothing in particular.

He seemed in a deep thought.

I stayed silent beside him. May be he needed just time to think.

So I decided to give him some time. I got up and turned to walk to the window again, when he caught my wrist.

I looked back at him. My hand looked perfect in his. He could easily hold my wrist. His fingers wrapped around it.

I looked into his eyes.

"Stay?" He asked looking at me.

His eyes were showing some different kind of emotion. He was silently begging me to stay, to be with him.

I nodded and sat beside him. He didn't leave my hand.

His grip was tightening around it as he sat there thinking.

I kept looking at him. I wasn't planning to ask him anything.

"I am letting you in my life Argyl." He said silently not looking at me.

I nodded.

"I want you to know few things." He said and turned his head to me.

I nodded again.

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