He Is Always Right

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"Hold it this way." He said correcting my way to hold the riffle he was teaching me to use.

"Yes. Now put one hand here." He adjusted my hand to the perfect position.

"This is difficult right?" Ken asked.

"Yes. It is." I agreed.

"Damion's orders." He smiled.

"I know." I said taking the aim.

"Now pull the trigger." He said.

As soon as I heard him, I pulled the trigger and it missed the target on the board in front of me by few inches.

He sighed.

"Try again." He said.

I nodded.

I had been practising this since few hours by now. My aim with this new riffle was terrible.
Ken was already tired of teaching me.

"Can we continue tomorrow?" He asked.

I shook my head as I again missed the target.

He shook his head in defeat.

"How it is going?" I heard Damion's voice and my heart picked it's pace in a moment as his scent hit me.

"Damion! Finally!" Ken sighed in relief, "You teach her. Your girl is damn stubborn." He said and I could feel him glaring at me from side. I smirked as I took the aim again.

I fired and again missed the target.

"Tsk." Damion said coming behind me.

He held my hand from the back supporting my elbow.

"See their. Right at that point on the gun. Don't look at the target." He said as he touched the point on the riffle.

I nodded as I felt his breath near my ear.

I closed my eyes for a moment not wanting to get distracted by his presence.

I again opened them.

He placed my finger on the trigger.

"There. Now concentrate on that point. Take aim and shoot." He said taking a step back away from me.

I looked at that particular point and pulled the trigger. The bullet fired and I saw it missing the target by a close distance.

Damion smirked at Ken.

"You don't know how to teach Kenneth." Damion said.

"Whatever!" He said annoyed, "You guys continue then!" He snapped walking in the Wing.

I shook my head smiling and looked at Damion and he had eyes set on me.

I raised my eyebrows.

I shook his head nodding at the board again.

I turned towards it again taking the aim.
He stood there all the time. Not saying a word. He just stood there watching me.  Letting me practise. Patiently.

After practising for few more hours, I was finally able to hit the target.

I turned victoriously towards Damion and he smiled proudly at me.

"That's my girl." He said taking a step forward.

His words gave me a fizzy feeling. A warm feeling coursing through me.

He wrapped his arms around me kissing my head and I smiled inhaling his cologne.

I hadn't quite seen him in the whole day. He was busy with his work while I was here with Ken learning to use this all new weapon.

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