The Confession

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I saw the usual dried blood stains on his dress shirt as he entered the room.
His face didn't show any emotions. His eyes passive. The dark aura lingering around him that was able to scare anyone to death. His eyes so cold that gave me chills.

He didn't say anything.
He placed is gun, cube and gloves on the desk walking into the bathroom leaving me alone in his room again.

It had almost been a week since I was here. This was the daily routine. He went out in the morning returning back at three or four. Every time, his clothes were drenched in blood.

I didn't have anything specific to do. I just sat there spinning the knife and thinking to myself about how much he had affected me in so less span of time.

The thought of him affecting me didn't scare me like it did before few days.

Cause I knew I was affecting him too.
Cause I knew he felt something too.

The way he held me, the way his eyes softened, the way he cared for me, I just knew.

I had started feeling more than just liking the Rey, and now there was no going back.
I had let him in and now, I wasn't gonna shut myself down again.

Cause I knew I would never be able to stop my heart from picking up it's pace at his mere sight.
I smiled to myself as I thought about his touch and gentle caresses. My heart warmed at the thought.

The sound of for opening brought me back from my thought. He entered the room wearing a new black shirt and quite grey coloured pants holding the suit jacket in his hands.

He dropped the jacket on the chair running his fingers from his damp hair. He turned his eyes towards me and a small smirk appeared on his face.
I didn't move my eyes from his.

His blue eyes shone under the light in the room. Their shade looking unique.

The only way to get into his mind was through his eyes. You just needed to learn to read them.

And that's what I was trying. To read his eyes. To know what every emotion in them meant. How their shade changed according to his thoughts. That's what I wanted to know. The thing I was trying to know.

He walked closer to me sitting down on the bed, never leaving my eyes.

"I have something for you." He said silently.

I stayed quiet waiting for him to continue.

"It should be here any moment." He said studying my face.

"Okay." I said silently.

He stared at me without speaking a word as we waited for that something. He inched closer to me, my heart going wild in my chest as his eyes gazed intensely into mine.

My breath raged and I could smell his cedar wood and vanilla cologne.

The knock on the door caused him to move back and I let out a breath I was holding.

The look in his eyes was unreadable. It seemed like he was frustrated and furious with himself.

There was another knock before I could ask him anything and he spoke, "Yes?"

The door opened to reveal a familiar figure of none other than my best friend Leo. I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face.

His face was pale, eyes sunken. Worry spread across his face.
He quickly walked to me.

"Ara!" He breathed out.

"Leo!" I smiled.

"How are you? Are you okay? Did they hurt you? If they did just tell me Ara. I swe-"

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