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This is the last chapter, make sure you have read the previous 3.

I sat in front of him. My face void of any emotions. My mind blank. His head hung low.

Ken held his hair pulling them ruthlessly, making him look up at me.

My eyes spilled fire. He quickly lowered his. Refusing to look into mine. His grey eyes held pain.

Nothing compared to what I had seen in his eyes. Nothing compared to what I had felt.

He deserved more.

Our men had taken their turns on him. Beating the hell out of him. I watched them take their anger out. For killing their Rey.

I watched him scream. I watched him beg for mercy.

Silently. Calmly. Not letting anything affect me.

I enjoyed seeing him in pain.

When I realised he was on the verge of fainting, we stopped.

We needed him conscious. I wanted him to feel everything I was doing to him.

The fucker didn't deserve to die feeling nothing.

His face was badly bruised. He winced as Ken pulled his hair harder. His fingers tightening on the chair.

I looked at Roger and nodded.

He knew what was to be done. He brought me the weapon. I smirked at thought.

Leaning forward, I took his hand in mine. His eyes widened as he looked at the weapon.

It was small. Just like a clip. But it was going to be his worst nightmare.

I was going to make it his worst nightmare.

I took his nail into the clip and pulled. His loud screams filled the room as I pulled out his nail.

This was just the start. He had days to agony lying ahead.

I stayed silent. Emotionless. Controlling my anger. Being patient. For him.

I patiently pulled out his each and every nail. He screamed till his throat went dry.

But I wasn't done. I won't be done until I make him see the hell on the Earth.

He needed to know what it takes to mess with the Rey of Sanchez Empire.

To take away what was mine. To mess with me.

I nodded again at Roger and he placed the gloves and the hot iron rod in front of me.

I wore the gloves taking my time. His eyes spilling tears. Nothing compared to what Damion's did.

I fed on the look of horror on his face. It was satisfying.

I held the iron rod in my hands. It was smoking hot. The metallic grey turning red. Even a slight blue. Heat slipped through the gloves making contact with my hand.

I knew this was going to hurt like bitch.

But he deserved this. My face stayed emotionless. Eyes not leaving his filthy face. I raised the rod. Teasing him. Taking it near him but never quite touching his skin. Making him feel the death.

I touched the rod slightly on his bruise and he screamed out loud. The deafening screams escaped past his lips. My eyes stayed on him as the flesh burned. The smell of burning filled the room.

I was enjoying this.

Damion's face appearing in front of my eyes. His blue eyes. His last breaths. The last beats of his heart. He last words when he said he loved me.

This man deserved the worse.

I didn't speak a word. I let the anger drive me. I let it drive me insane. Cause if not anger, then my emotions will. But insanity was inevitable. But anger was what I needed right now.

I continued to burn his flesh. Not speaking a word. Only his screams were heard above the silence. The whole Wing was in the Dark Wing.

All our men watching me torture the killer of their Rey. My love.

When his body fell on the ground shutting temporarily, I stopped.

I looked up at Ken who was already looking at me.

I dropped the rod on the ground nodding at Will. He knew we needed to keep him alive.

We couldn't let him die this easily.

I got up from the chair. Giving Erik's limp body a final glance I picked up my knife. The knife which Damion had given me. His favourite.

I glanced around the room looking at our men. My men.

They bowed down their heads.

"Though the Rey is gone," Ken started heavily.

I looked at him. For the first time his words didn't hold sarcasm when he said 'Rey'.

I sucked in a deep breath trying hold back the tears. Trying not to break down all over again.


Trying to block the images appearing in front of my eyes. Tonight, was supposed to be treasured. Remembered forever. Tonight we were supposed to get married..

This was not supposed to happen.

"The Sanchez Empire, still has the Queen." He completed falling on his knees. His head bowed down in front of me.

The rest of our men followed him. All of them were on their knees their heads bowed. They clasped their hands behind their backs.

"Reina." Their voice echoed the room.


This ends here Marshmallows.

Thank you so much for sticking with me through out the journey. It means a lot to me. The end is hard I know. I have  cried for days. I finished writing this on 19th December. Since then, I have been in a sour mood.

Thank you so much. You guys are bloody awesome! I can't explain how much I love you.

Thank you for loving Armion as much as I do, if not more.

Thank you so much for being ready to kill anyone with me.

Thank you so much for making me smile with your lovely comments.

Thank you so much for being ready to kidnap Damion with me.

Thank you for fighting with me over him even when I called dibs!

(I still call dibs so back off)😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.

Thank you for this little family.

I love you so much.

I have started a new short story, more information in next chapter, do have a look.


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