Our Destruction

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I took in a deep breath leaving her hand. If Ken was worried, it was really something bad. He usually is not this serious. The look on his face screamed it was bad.

I clenched my fists keeping myself as calm as possible. My hands were itching to kill.

I took a step back and started walking to the office.

My each step was firm. My thoughts spinning at a high speed.

Whatever it was, it was bad. And I was ready to handle it. Whatever it may be.

I opened the office door to see all of them standing there with Spivak.

"Rey." They all quickly mumbled bowing down there heads. Ken had held Spivak. His fingers at the back of his neck in a tight grip.

I blood boiled at the thought of him betraying me.

He looked like he was going to faint at any damn moment.

I walked to the table sitting on the table.

I rested my back on the chair taking out my gun from my waistband. I didn't let my eyes leave him. I could see sweat forming on his forehead as his eyes stayed down his pupils making quick movements looking panic and scared to life.


If he had betrayed me, he needed to be scared.

"What is it?" I asked Ken.

Ken looked at Spivak and his grip tightened around his neck. He pushed him ahead causing him to hit the table.

"We found him roaming in the Wing. He was lingering around the office and Roger found him in the Dark Wing as well." Douglas said.

I looked at him.

"You know the rules of the Wing, don't you?" I asked calmly.

He shivered at my voice.

"Speak!" Ken pressed his face against the wood of the table.

"Y-yes.." He said.

"Good. Then you also know where would breaking them get you." I said leaning across the table grabbing his hair causing him to look up.

Horror spread across his face.

"I-I a-am s-s-sorry R-Rey." He stuttered.

"You sure as hell will be." I said releasing his hair his face hitting the hard wood and his winced at the pain.

I nodded at Will and he grabbed him taking him out of the room.

"R-Rey. I-I.."

"Shut up!" Will snapped him dragging him out.

I turned to Kenneth. His face was still passive.

"What is it?" I asked him.

He looked at me.

"Erik has been planning to take the Empire over." He said.

I lost my mind at the thought. The Demon struggled to leap out. But I didn't let him, Just yet..

"He has been planning this since years Damion. He has other families on his side." He said.

I kept myself calm.

"What does he want?" I asked.

"Our destruction." He said in deadly voice.

I knew he was keeping himself from killing any damn one in front of him.

"His plans are deep. They seemed to be drawn carefully." He said.

"What else?" I asked spinning the gun on the table.

"The man spilled this much. I don't think he has anything else." Douglas said.

I nodded.

"What are we going to do?"Ken asked.

"Wait." I replied, "Wait for him to take the first step. We are stronger than him. There are no other families as strong as ours." I said keeping my eyes on the spinning gun.

"Wait for him to break the truce." I said.

"Rey." Douglas said.

I raised my eyebrow.

"We can attack him."

"Tsk Tsk. We won't break it." I said.

"What are you planning?" Ken asked.

"He destruction." I said smirking, "Just like him. But much more silently." I said.

He stood there looking at me.

"Call Leo here in 20." I said looking at Douglas.

He furrowed his brows but he knew better than questioning me.

He nodded going out of the room.

"What is going on in your mind?" Ken asked.

"Wait." I told him playing with the gun in my hand.

"Whatever it is, I bet it will his nightmare." He said smirking.

"He won't want to sleep after this." I corrected him, "I need you to go get Argyl here." I said.

Ken's face showed total confusion but I knew what I was doing.

He nodded going out of the room.

I got up from the chair walking to the window. I saw the Dark Wing standing out there.

Spivak was betraying us. Erik's man admitted Erik was planning something. But he was smart. He won't attack directly.

I knew that. I had a different plan in my mind. And for this, I needed her. I had promised her I won't hide her behind when I will need her. I would let her fight. I would let her stand by my side and this was the time. She was perfect for this game and I was letting her do what she wanted to.

I heard knock on the door and I saw Ken standing there with Argyl.

I nodded and they walked in. She looked at me with a serious face.

I gestured them to sit on chair and they both sat there.

Her brown eyes were on me waiting for me to continue.

"What is it Damion?" She asked.

I looked at Ken who was looking at me curiously. I was planning something really dangerous. This could get them killed. But I had faith in both of them. I knew they would get out of it at any cost.

Ken was the strongest bastard I had known and even she was not any less. I knew this had to be done and they both were perfect.

She was the bets fighter in the world right now and I knew she would love to do this. She wasn't any less than any of us. She was better than Will or Roger.

"Do you think you can double fight?" I asked directly getting to the point.

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