Dos: Namjin.

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Namjoon kept a firm grip on Jin's wrist outside the main door of their shared dorm.

The moment Yoongi opened the door everyone started to rush in saying they were hungry.

Joon just dragged Jin to their room and shoved him towards their bed.

Meanwhile in the hall, "I want to eat out today!" Jimin said as he stretched his arms, plopping onto the couch lazily.

"Meee too!!!" Hoseok said as he bounced on the couch next to Jimin.

"Yah! Stop bouncing like kids y'all are giving me a headache!" Yoongi said and sat in between Jimin and Hoseok like a barrier.

"Yah Yoongi hyung! When will you stop being such an Ahjussi? Let's eat out! I agree with Jimin." Kookie said and began to pull Tae's arm.

"Araseo araseo! Let me just ask if-" Taehyung began but got cut off when Namjoon yelled from the room, "You guys go, I'm not in the mood, I'd rather sleep I'm tired."

"Oh! Okay but what about Jin Hyung?" Hoseok asked worry lacing his tone.

Namjoon glared at Jin who was nervously playing with the hem of his sleeves. Joon usually found it irresistibly cute but right now he was too pissed to even notice.

"I-I I want to have some porridge at home, my stomach doesn't feel good." Jin replied.

"Omo! Are you oka-"

"Yes Hoseok~ah! I'm good, I just don't want to take a chance so.."

"Alrighty hyung, take care!" Hoseok yelled back from the hall.

Within the next five minutes all the five boys were out of the dorm chatting about the new sushi place that they were going to try, all except Yoongi obviously who was too busy being his Ahjussi self and occasionally glaring at Hoseok and Jimin.


Warning: Sensitive to rape or foul language? GO BACK NOW.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" Namjoon snapped the moment the door shut.

"I was just-" Jin tried, he knew better to shut his mouth but this is Seokjin we're talking about. When can he ever shut up?

"Just what? Being an attention seeking bitch? What is it that you wanted to prove on national television?" Namjoon yelled.

Tears gathered in Jin's eyes as the rapidly rolled down his puffy cheeks.

"W-what? Namjoon? I think you're taking it too far. This isn't you. It was all in good fun besides if you hadn't ignored me-"

"Oh so this is my fault right now?! Ignored? That's all you care about right? You don't want to be ignored huh? Okay" Joon said and straddled Jin's waist. He roughly brought his mouth on his boyfriend's.

This wasn't anything like Joonie. Sure he'd been rough before but this felt forceful, the type that made you want to push the person off you. Jin brought his hands to Joon's chest in an attempt to push him away.

"NO. YOU ASKED FOR IT. NOW YOU BETTER TAKE IT." Namjoon said in a threatening voice. He flipped Jin over roughly pulled his pants down.

"J-joon! Please n-n-no Joon, b-baby! Stob it please!! I don't l-like it there's no l-lube either!" Jin begged.

Was the man he'd fallen in love with gonna rape him?

"J-joooniee!???!" Jin screamed as Joon positioned his now naked dick at his boyfriend's ass.

The older thrashed around his arms above his head held in place by the younger.

As soon as Joon penetrated him, Jin lost all fight, he gave up, whispering over and over again, "You promised Joonie, you promised to never hurt me..."

Namjoon kept thrusting in until he realized Jin wasn't reacting anymore. All his rage washed out like a wave. He didn't know what came over him.
He wasn't this kind of a person. He would never hurt Jin, let alone force himself on his princess.

He pulled out carefully and quickly crawled to his side. "Oh shit! Jinnie forgive me! I'm so sorry! I swear I don't know what came over me and I reacted that way. Look at me baby, I'm sorry." Namjoon cried.

He cradled his boyfriend's face sideways. Jin's expression was a blank one. He looked at Namjoon like it wasn't him at all, "Rap Monster is a monster." he managed to say and fresh set of tears made its way.

Namjoon was still in shock. Jin was right, he was a monster.

After ten minutes, very slowly Jin got up from the bed wincing. He stripped, completely and grabbed a night robe from his cupboard and blankly put it on.

"Jinnie I-" Joon extended his arm towards him but Jin physically cowered back making his heart shatter.

He grabbed a pillow and dragged his body to another room wincing throughout the way.

"Jin~ please.." Namjoon whispered as he watched his boyfriend struggling.

"I'm so sorry!! God I'm so so sorry." Namjoon fell on his knees and sobbed.

He had done that, to Jinnie, to his princess. He was indeed a monster.

This was shitty and short but hey wait for it, I just need a good base.

Also don't judge my Joonie, he may seem like a total biatch ATM but he's not.

The NAMJIN ship shall sail forever!

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