Veinte: Namjin

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Seokjung's POV:

I watch the young man before me. His arms crossed as he awaits for my view on the matter. His brows are furrowed as he tries to figure out.

With an intellect like his, my best bet is that he's already figured something out but thinks it'd be disrespectful to voice it.

I think the same but I won't tell him just yet. It's satisfying watching him struggle. That's what he gets for being so cocky.

What I make out of what Namjoon has supposedly overheard from my father and grandfather's conversation is that it was a set up.

My Appa had definitely set that up. I know him, he can stoop to any level for his business and not wanting a faggot for a son.

I knew I hated him for a reason. Other than the fact that he was hardly ever there for us. All he cared about was his business, all the fucking time. It was always about making the company grow. What about your kids?

My younger brother is way too innocent. He doesn't know this side of our father. Jin worships the very ground he walks on. He loves him very much because he believes ‘he did all that for us.’

My brother is too kind for his own good, too naïve. If only he knew just how disgusted his so called Appa is with his sexual preference...


That's my baby brother, always seeing the good in people, giving them the benefit of doubt. No wonder he can't be an entrepreneur. He's too trusting. You need to take risks as an entrepreneur but you need to think it through. Jinnie will walk just face front into risks if it's decorated with pink accessories. He's not stupid, he's just naïve. He thinks the way he looks at things is the way the world is. The world is a real cruel place and most of the times- no everytime the foe is a friend in disguise.

I've always been worried about him but when I see him with Namjoon I know he'll take care of him. He knows how exactly my brother is and that's why he's so protective of him. Not overprotective but protective. He lets him make his mistakes then helps him out. They're perfect for each other. Never will I admit that aloud. And just because they're a good match doesn't mean I have to like the punk who is dating my little baby brother.

Unfortunately I am my father's son and business is in my blood. That's why he keeps telling me to come back and handle that company. But I don't want to. Not to be conceited but I am a brilliant entrepreneur. I have my own empire which I've built all by myself, money is not an issue. I just don't want to have to do anything with my father's company.

I don't want to have to do anything with my father. I'm just his son in name. I don't care otherwise.

I'm shaken from my chain of thoughts when Namjoon clear his throat and raises a brow at me in question.

“What you're thinking can be true.” I say and looks at me in surprise.

“ you're saying.. that abeonim wanted me to hear that?

“Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying.”

“But I don't get it, why?” he asks and I look at him. My eyes answering what he's afraid to say out loud.

Disbelief graces his features before morphing into anger.

He gets up to leave but I stop him.

Now that we've figured it out we need to take cautious steps, no hurry.

“Wait, not now. I believe we should pay a visit to my brother and grandfather first, don't you think?” I ask more like tell him and he nods slowly.

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