Veinticinco: Namjin

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"I am sorry for what you had to go through because of me, I cannot even imagine your pain or tell you that I know how you feel, cause I don't." Jin tells Ok Sung.

"But if you would have told me earlier it would save us all the trouble." he adds.

Ok Sung stares are him wide eyed.

"What did you think? Would I really do something that hurts someone if I knew I was hurting them?" Jin asks resting his elbow on the railing.

"I think I completely misread you as a person. But what would telling you solve? When it's my own father that doesn't care?"

"Hey, don't be like that-" on receiving a pointed look he says, "I know it's worse when I say it but I have to tell you. Your father. Well, he's a workaholic. He has strong sense of integrity. And he's kind of a simpleton to understand complex emotions. When he saw his son doing drugs the first thing on his mind was drugs are wrong drugs can kill I can't believe my son would do drugs! Like any Asian parent he lost his shit. Did he never ask you why?"

He bobs his head, "He did, but then I asked him why does he care so he stormed out."

Jin sighs, "It's your life, I can't tell you what to do. All I can tell you is that your father deserves another chance."

Ok Sung glares at him. "Listen, ok Sung ah, you have no idea how much he spoke of you to me. Each conversation has been about you and your mom. Especially you. When you started doing drugs it tore him. He thought he had failed as a parent. Have you ever seen his wallet? There's a picture of you and your mother that he's taken, it's a candid. An old photograph, you must no more than 2 years old. We all make mistakes, there's no perfect parenting. Your mother was the only one who could understand him. He's lived a life where he's only followed orders without questioning. As a person too he likes following over taking lead, as a father you expected him to take the lead on his relationship with his son but he didn't know any better. I believe he deserves a chance at earning your forgiveness."

Ok Sung's eyes water at Jin's words. He wraps the younger boy into a hug. Ok Sung stands too surprised to move at Jin's warmness and kindness. He hated this man all his life, fell in love with his boyfriend and here he is comforting him?

"After me you seem to have eyes for Jin, should I be concerned Ok Sung ah?" a voice says and they break from their hug well Jin's embrace to notice a smirking Namjoon.

"Yah- why would you be so insensitive?!" Jin chides him.

"It's okay hyung. I know he is only kidding. Besides don't worry I don't like you anymore either."

"Huh! Such short lived feelings! I'm heartbroken!" He mock sobs and Ok Sung sticks his tongue out at him while Jin smiles.

"The boys and us are having some beer, why don't you join us?" Namjoon asks while slipping an arm around Jin's waist.

"No thanks hyung! I have somewhere I've got to be. I'll head out first."

"Ok Sung-" Namjoon grabs his wrist.

"You're still not getting out of recording. I meant when I said that I would train you." he says.

"Okay okay fine! Now can I go please?" Ok Sung says impatiently.

"Go safely! And join us for drinks soon." Jin says waving his arms.

When he has left the terrace, Jin turns in namjoon's arms. "Babe, you're usually ready to kill anyone who even looks at me. What's your deal with Ok Sung?"

Jin sighs wrapping his arms around Joon,
"Well, for starters, I don't hate him. I can't. For what? I can't imagine what he must have been through, na ttaemune."

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