Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm as I turned it off and sat up when the tickets and the letter came onto view and I was surprised how could this be real. I managed to get up on my feet and walk to the bathroom before I shut the door and flung my towel over the shower before I turned on the water and stripping but leaving the bracelets on as I felt the water hit my body and go through my hair as I washed myself. When I was done I go into my work clothes before walking back into the bathroom to see Lucy brushing her teeth

"What time did you get up?" I asked

"Um I don't know but it was early" she said as she continued to brush her teeth while I put on my make up and brushed my teeth

"Ready to go to work?" Lucy asked as I nodded before we walked out to her car and grabbing our phones on the way before we went to work. When we got to work we set up the seats and tables before people started coming in and ordering their drinks while I made them.


We were currently having a day off and decided to go Starbucks to get a drink because we felt like exploring today. When we reached the nearest Starbucks we all walked in and sat at a table

"So I'll go up and get them" I said as the boys nodded

"Ok can I get a orange juice?" Calum asked as I nodded

"I want a caramel coffee please" Michael said

"Can it get a chocolate frappè?" Ashton asked as I nodded

"Ok I will be back" I said as I walked to the line and waited as I looked for what I wanted. When I reached the front I saw a beautiful young girl around my age maybe around Ashton's age with black hair and bright green eyes as she looked up and looked surprised

"Hi how can I help you today?" She asked smiling she must be a fan

"Um can in please get........ A large orange juice for Calum, a large caramel coffee for Michael, a large chocolate frappè for Ashton and a large white chocolate fusion for Luke please" I replied smiling as I saw her skating as she typed it into the computer and looked back up at me

"Is that all?" She asked

"Yes thanks" I replied

"That comes to $23.40" she said as I handed her the money and she gave me the change before she started making them and I watched as she made one then put it on the counter then made another. When she made all of them I looked to see all the bracelets on her wrist all bunched together

"Here you are" she said as I grabbed the drinks

"Thanks" I said smiling as I walked off back to the boys

"Yay our drinks" Calum said as they took theirs and we started drinking before walking out of Starbucks.


It was now my lunch break and I was sitting in the staff room drinking a coffee I made when I heard my phone going and I answered it

"Hello" I said

"Hey little sister" my brother said

"Hey how are you?" I asked smiling as I took a sip of my drink

"I'm good how's about you?" He asked

"I'm fine just on my lunch break" I replied as I looked at my wrist. I've never told anyone in my family that I cut because I'm scared of what they would do or say.

"Well I have some some good news" he said

"What's the good news?" I asked

"Well I'm going to be a father" he replied

"Aw congrats you have to tell me if it's a boy or a girl" I said as he laughted

"I will don't worry" he said

"Well my lunch break is over so I will talk to you later" I said

"Ok bye" he said as I hung up and went back to work.


When I was finished Lucy and I both drove home before we walked inside and took our shoes off before I went to get changed into my pjs. After I had my pjs on and took my make up off I let my hair fall as I turned to see the tickets when I had a look to see the date was tomorrow wait TOMORROW and I haven't even told Lucy

"Lucy LUCY LLLUUUCCY" I said as she ran into my room to see the tickets before she started screaming

"The concert is tomorrow and we have work" I said as she smirked before whipping out her phone and putting it next to her ear and talking to the phone before hanging up

"Now we have the day off to go get some outfits for the concert" she said as I smiled

"Now come on let's get some sleep I want to meet my husband" Lucy said as she pushed me into bed and put my blanket over me before turning my light off and walking to her room before I really did fall asleep.


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