Diesel x Natalie

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^listen as you read it helps to set the mood.

Natalie was sitting on the hallway couch when Diesel approaches her.

D: Hey

N: What do you want?

D: nothing I just wanted to see how you were doing.

N: well I am fine

Diesel stood silent for a moment
D: do you need anything? Water?

N: You know what Diesel, why don't you just leave me alone like everyone else.
Natalie stood up and started to make her walk down the hall

D: Natalie please.

N: No, Diesel you don't even know me.
She said picking up her pace.

D: Well, we have time.
Diesel said running up to her and tapping her shoulder. Natalie finally turns and looks at him

D: Look.. You are not the same. I don't mean it like that.. You're just different.

N: Wow that's nice to hear.
Natalie crosses her arms.

D: Natalie you know what I mean. I can't stand any of these losers but with you... I can sit with you forever and never get bored.
Silence stirred between them again.
N: no no no.
She says sounding unsure. She began to pace back in forth.

D: Natalie...
Diesel walks up to her and grabs her shoulders trying stop her.

N: no no no
She says in the same dull tone

D: Natalie chill

Diesel wraps his arms around her and bear hugs her. Natalie places her head in his chest reluctantly but then snuggles in. Diesel uses the palm of his hand and gently pats her head. Natalie stirs around in his clutch with slightly watered eyes.

N: no one wants a girl that's broken.
Natalie whispers as if she was talking to herself.

Diesel shakes his head and wipes his temple in frustration. He releases the hug and grabs her shoulders so she won't walk away. He slowly presses his forehead onto Natalie's.

"I want you"


I love the Diesel and Natalie ship. Comment any suggestions for a chapter.

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