Zane & Violet

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Zane's Pov

It's been seven months. Violet and I have been dating for seven months. I am surprised we'd gone this long. The first time I met her I did like her and she couldn't keep her eyes off me. We started dating 3 days after that. Then a couple months into our relationship I started to get bored, more like I didn't care as much. I was clearly aware what I was doing to us, to her. But I never second thought anything for our sake.

Violet's Pov

Many of our high school couples are all peachy and cute. And when home coming season came around it was the worst. All of them trying to compete to be better than the other. Zane and I are different. We were cute and cuddly 10 percent if the time. The rest was us arguing. Mostly me not being able to believe him. You could say I have trust issues.

2:40 came around. I always meet Zane outside school. He would come pick me up in his precious truck everyday after school. He was already 10 minutes late. So I took it upon myself to text him.


Me: where are you?


Me: are running late? Is there traffic or something?

Zane💘💍: I am on my way

I was a bit worried. We did this everyday for the last seven months and he's never been late. Moments later his truck pulled up right in front of our meeting spot. I walked up to the car and grabbed the handle. Locked. I looked up at him then, I waited a couple seconds and he unlocked it himself. I sat down next to him. Zane didn't look at me the whole time since he pulled up. "Let's get going" I said playfully turning to look at his face for the first time. I just noticed his expression. He looked mad, he looked upset. Before I could say anything Zane quickly reached for the keys and turned the car off.

Zane's Pov

"Listen," to told her not looking at her face. I could feel her eyes staring at me. I don't know why I was so embarrassed all the sudden. I never thought about her while I was out playing with your relationship but now seeing her... I was disgusted with myself. It took me about 45 seconds to explain what I did in the seven months we were together.

" I knew it" she said loudly and then turning away. "I knew I wasn't crazy. You are such a liar" she screamed in my ear. I didn't stop her, I just let her talk. She went on reminding me about all our fights and how they were all started because of her questioning her trust for me and... she was right. I had to admit it. I lied and she was actually arguing the truth. I felt so dirty. I didn't care before but now all my wrongs were actually coming back to me. I couldn't look at her eyes.

I was dozing off in my thoughts until I heard her sobbing. I completely fell back into my reality. She was crying. Violet never cried. Violet had a wall to protect herself and I was the only one she let in but even after that she never cried in front of me. I was in shock. I never thought about how she would feel until now.

Violet's Pov

"I trusted you" I said wiping my face

"I know, believe me I am sorry"

"How can I believe you when you lied in my face countless times"

I felt so stupid how could I let this happen. Why couldn't he just behave, be a good boyfriend. I hated myself for trusting him but, I hated him more for what he did. Rage rushed through my body. I turned to him

"Who do you think you are? I swear how did I fall for you in the first place. Everyone told me you we bad news".

He stood silent.

"So you have nothing to say. I honestly hate you."

I give him the finger and grabbed my stuff. I quickly got out of the car and slammed the door. He just drove away. I watched him as he drove away in his piece of shit of a truck. I couldn't let him get away that easy.

I keyed his truck 3 hours later.

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