Zoe Natalie and Diesel

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Zoe was walking down the hall and saw Diesel, Grover, and Natalie facing the bordered doors.

Z: Is there a problem here?

G: yes actually

D: the barricade is weak

Z: where?

N: just right here

Z: well it's just a little weak that can be fixed

G: yea and soon.

D: We don't know with those freaks they can break through.

G: Hey Zoe I think I left a drill and extra nails in the janitor's closet. Can you go grab that for me?

Z: yea sure

N: I can help

The girls started walking to the janitor's closet in silence leaving a good 4 feet apart from each other.
Natalie grabbed the doorknob and let Zoe go in first. Zoe began to search while Natalie held the door open.

Z: Are you gonna help me or what?

Natalie rolled her eyes and walked into the closet. The door slammed loud.

Z: wft that scared the shit out off me.

Three minutes later

N: Its not in here

Z: No shit

N: Why are you mean?

Zoe totally ignored her while shrugged her shoulder and crossed her arms. Zoe reached for the doorknob and twisted it. Nothing. She tried again.

Z: what the hell

N: just open the door

Z: don't you think I would if I could

Natalie shoved Zoe aside and tried to open it herself.

N: its jammed

Z: oh great I am stuck her with you.
Zoe rolled her eyes and pressed her back on the wall.

N: Well Diesel should come soon to see what's wrong

Z: well until then get comfortable

12 Minutes later

"What's taking you guys so long" they heard from the outside

Z: the doors stuck

They heard the door knob jiggle
D: damn, its really jammed

G: We are gonna find a way to get you guys out.

They heard footsteps walk away from the door and down the hall.

Z: Well this is gonna take forever
Zoe slid down the wall and sat on ground. Natalie did the same.

Complete nothing and silent hatred hung in the air.

N: so how are you doing?
Natalie said with a smirk on her face.

Zoe turns her head and shoots a annoyed bitch face
Z: Awesome!
Zoe said sarcastically

55 mins later

N: Can I ask you something

Z: No.. But yes. Only cause I am bored and all we got it time. I still hate you

N: Whatever. Ugh

Z: No please tell me

N: I don't even know why I am telling you this. Well there's no...

Z: ..just tell me
Zoe interrupted

Natalie looked at her hands while she twiddle her thumbs.

N: What does it mean when you um.. can't stop thinking about someone.
Natalie said under her breath. She looked up at Zoe for her reaction.
The air stood quiet for a moment

Z: I don't know

N: What do you mean you don't know?

Zoe shrugged her shoulders
Natalie ignored and went back to staring down.

Minutes later

Z: You're in love.
Zoe said plainly

N: what?

At that moment they heard the doorknob turn and the door swung open.

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