Apology Accepted

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This is a Book 3 of the Jikook vampire AU Bite me series. Continuation of the 2nd book "Love Me"

____________________________________            Jungkook looked down at his small son amazed at how small he was

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          Jungkook looked down at his small son amazed at how small he was. He seemed to only weigh 3 pounds, "Jimeon... How are you so small? Jimin how is this human so small?" Jungkook made sure he was wearing white gloves to touch his babies small chubby cheeks.

        Jimin stood up and smiled. "He's premature.." Jimin giggled walking over to make the babies bottle.

         "Oh I see.. So small and adorable. It's like a mini you! I forgot how babies looked.. I have been far from society for a long time."

          Jimin nodded walking back with the bottle. "Do you want to feed him?"

        Jungkook nodded as Jimin guided Jungkook on how to carry the baby when you feed him. "Thankyou... Jimin I know I already said this before... But I am sorry for leaving you for a while.. I grew crazy and couldn't be here for you."

          "No it's fine Jungkook. I accept your apology." Jimin placed Jungkook's hand to support Jimeon's small head.

       "I wonder... How will he feel when only you can go out and play with him. How can I play father and son sports with him out in the day time? I wonder what he will think when he sees me come home in red stains and cold skin.." Jungkook thought looking at the baby. Jimeon was drinking the bottle and looking up at his father.

         "Please don't think of this now.. We still have the future ahead of us." Jimin kissed Jungkook's cheek and walked to bed.

         "I see Taehyung brought you alot of things for Jimeon. Did he help you alot?" Jungkook looked at Jimin's face concerned.

      "Yes he's been very Kind." Jimin rested his hand over Jungkook's lap.

         "And to think before he was nothing but jealous.. Huh?" Jungkook began to chuckle silently noticing that Jimeon was falling asleep.

        Jimin sat up and kept his hands out to Jimeon so he can carry him to bed but Jungkook refused. "Jimin... Rest please I know how to take care of him." Jungkook stood up and blew a kiss at Jimin.

          "Make sure you burp him and check if his diaper is dirty... Change it if it is Then you set him to his crib." Jimin insisted laying back onto the bed as Jungkook followed instructions. After all the checking Jungkook set Jimeon down and walked back to bed.

          "Jimin... When can we go home?" Jungkook pulled Jimin close to feel him.

          "I don't know about that... We can't leave these things all here.." Jimin looked around.

        "We already have greater things at home. Why not just sell this place and come home to me. We are like a family over there!" Jungkook continued.

        "Hm... I guess you are right.. Hey Jungkook.. I need to ask you something."

          Jungkook runned his hands up and down Jimin's sides. "And what will that be?"

         "Will you let me and Jimeon grow old and die?" Jimin wanted to know if he'll end up dying without Jungkook and leave him to live his never ending life. "Will you keep living and be immortal?"

      "No I can't be here if both of you are gone.. Of course when the time is right I'll give you the gift of immortality... But it'll turn you and Jimeon into a monster.. And this will lead to never ending stress and constant thirst. Perhaps when you are ready I'll have no problem but only when you need it."

             "Jungkook... I don't want that.. It seem's scary." Jimin turned around and looked at Jungkook. "I don't know how you do it but I still want to be with you forever. Maybe soon when I need to, I'll do it. But only when I say." Jimin brought a finger to Jungkook's cold chest. "...only bite when I say."

         "Such a possessive character, aren't you?" Jungkook kissed Jimin's hand. "I've been alive for many years, growing tired but only now... Only now it has gotten better because of you two." Jungkook pulled Jimin into a kiss as his cold lips slowly turned warm again like how it used to before.

Lifeless | Jikook Vampire AU | Book:3Where stories live. Discover now