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           3 Weeks have passed and the venom wasn't moving at all, Jimin was still stuck in his hell of a coma. The venom remained in one part of Jimin's body as if he refused to take it. Jungkook would always be sitting on the leather one seat couch reading for Jimin, talking to him or even singing to him. "I love you." Jungkook would whisper into Jimin's ear everyday and everytime. "Please... Wake up soon. I miss you." Jungkook kissed Jimin's cheek and layed his head on Jimin's chest listening to Jimin's heart. "You've been gone for 3weeks already... Come back... Jimeon misses you, Taehyung misses you... Han misses you and I miss you the most..." Jungkook intertwined his hands with Jimin's looking down and staring at Jimin's motionless hand. "...I miss you the most..." Jungkook repeated. At this moment Jungkook would do anything to save Jimin but there wasn't anything. Jungkook never wanted to loose hope, everyone else did but never Jungkook. Yoongi would walk in to check up on Jimin time to time, but he couldn't help at all.

        Han walked in holding Jimeon, "Master Jungkook? I believe it's your hour with Jimeon." Jimeon was wearing a Ryan The lion hoodie gifted to them by Namjoon and Jin. Recently, Namjoon and Jin would get things for the little baby as in clothes, extra bottles, diapers and soft blankets since Jimin couldn't. "You know... Master Jungkook, I believe Jimin's still trying hard... To wake up."

          "I understand..." Jungkook nodded forcing a smile, "Thankyou for helping..." The father took Jimeon into his arms and stepped out of the room to walk over to the baby's room. Han, Taehyung and Jungkook decided to have schedules to care for Jimeon because Jungkook was afraid to take care of his own son by himself. Jungkook walked into the nursery room and sat down on the rocking chair rocking Jimeon in his arms back and forth as they remained in the dark. Jungkook didn't bother to turn on the small lamp because he would have guilt when he looked at Jimeon, he hasn't looked at Jimeon for a while now.  It was upsetting to him but he couldn't bare the thought of how Jimin cried not wanting to endore the pain of the venom running through his body. Jungkook sat in the dark with Jimeon and just blankly stared at the wall upfront not looking at Jimeon in the eye like how he used to.

           "Jimeon..... I'm sorry... I can't ever look at you again... I can't be reminded of Jimin..." Jungkook claimed.

          Jimeon was moving around alot and managed to slip up a bit on Jungkook's grasp due to the chair swaying back and fourth and the weak grasp Jungkook had on Jimeon. This made Jungkook quickly look down and hold Jimeon close almost droping him. The small baby boy began to cry as Jungkook noticed his cold hand was near Jimeon's neck, Jungkook pulled his hand away and stood up cradling Jimeon. Jungkook looked into Jimeon's eyes and of course it reminded him of Jimin's last words.

        "You're killing Me Jungkoo-"

           Jimeon stopped crying and placed his small hand up. His hands were like Jimin's.

         Jungkook kept looking at Jimeon and sighed. "Jimin.... I can't do this!" Jungkook looked up avoiding eye contact again still holding Jimeon. "I can't.... I-" Jungkook went over to place Jimeon down on the crib. "I can't..... I can't look at him... I can't think of him... I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!" Jungkook shouted feeling like his mind was slipping. "Jimin...." Jungkook repeated in his mind as Jimeon was cooing. "I did it..... Jimeon... I caused Jimin to go into a coma... I DID IT... I COULDN'T DO IT TO HIM WHILE HE WAS STILL AWAKE!! I did it because he told me!!" Jungkook dropped onto his knees infront of Jimeon's crib running his hands around his hair feeling like his sanity was dropping. "It may have been 3 weeks but to me it's an eternity! You can't leave me Jimin, Come back to me!"

Lifeless | Jikook Vampire AU | Book:3Where stories live. Discover now