Chapter 2

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You're so surprised. How and why was he here? As far as you knew, only you lived in this neighborhood.
"Hi Y/N! You live here?" He asked while waving at you.
"Hey! Yeah, I live here. I didn't know you lived in this area." You said back not trying to make it awkward.
"Umm, actually I don't live here. I just walk through here. I live in the dorms because I can't afford a big house like this." He says back while wearing a gummy smile on his face.
"The distance from school to your house is quite far." You thought to yourself, which creeped you out a bit.
"Are you going out tonight?" He asked
"Oh shit! Yes I am. Thank you for reminding me. I'm going out with my friends. I got to go, but it was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow." You said in a panicked tone while waving to Suga.
You went inside and got ready for the night. You needed at least 3 hours to get ready. It was 9:40 pm, so you'll finish by around 12:00 am. You took a shower, washing up really good. You then did some treatment for your skin before doing your makeup.
"Hmm.. what to wear? You said to yourself, "Something hot and sexy but nothing that would label me as a slut." You thought. Done! You wore something that only you can pull off 😋 with some sassy makeup. After you were officially done you waited outside for Namjoon to pick you up.

You got to the club and was surprised on how crowded it was. It was a Monday, maybe people just need to get the stress off from work.
"Where is Jackson and Jin? Aish these kids! They're always late, all the time!" Namjoon said making you laugh
"You know Jackson. As for Jin? I just saw him over there." Mark said pointing to where Jin was and then leaving.
"Babe, are your friends coming?" He asked while once again wrapping his muscular arms around your waist.
"I think so. Maybe their late as well. They told me to have fun first." You said (more like yelled)
"Well then shall we dance?" He said not giving you a choice and pulling you to the dance floor.
You were dancing with Namjoon but you were also Laughing your ass off because he dances so weirldy. Instead of saying anything you just try to follow his rhythm and dance the night away. Mark, Jackson, and Jin come over to dance with you. But they didn't dance with you, instead they grabbed girls they didn't even know and danced with them. They're so desperate 😂!! You got tired of dancing so you asked Namjoon if you could rest for a bit and drink. He said ok and he continued having fun with the boys. You went to the bar and asked for a shot of tequila. The bar tender gave it to you and you drank it immediately. You drank and drank and drank. You're a heavy drinker but you didn't get drunk easily. After a fresh hours of drinking you couldn't hold it anymore. You felt like vomiting, so you rushed to the toilet before anything happens.
"Where's Y/N?" Namjoon asked the boys.
"In the bathroom probably. You know her and how much she likes to drink.
After you finished in the bathroom you went to find the boys, and you were half drunk.
"There she is! She looks hotter when she's like that. Not gonna lie." Jin says to Mark pointing at you.
"Yeah! If only she wasn't with Namjoon. I would bang her every night." Mark says back to Jin while slightly bitting his lip.
"YAH! I'M RIGHT HERE! I CAN HERE YOU!!" Namjoon yells, "Thank goodness I'm with Y/N, idk what would happen if she was single." He says to himself.
You went to the boys and sat on Namjoon's lap. Relaxing. Luckily you can still walk and talk normally.
"Sorry guys. I drank too much. I'm ok now." You said to them hoping you didn't ruin their night.
"You look like you need more shots Y/N." Jackson says coming out of nowhere.
"Yah Jackson! No .. you don't need more. What you need is your bed. You need to rest, let's go home." Namjoon says while getting up.
"Pshh! Rest my ass. I bet they're not going to rest." Mark says making the other boys laugh.
"I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!" Namjoon yells annoyed.

On the drive to your house you fell asleep. Namjoon took you out of his car, and carried you to your bed. He took off your shoes, earrings. He was about to leave but you grabbed his hand, talking as you had your eyes closed.
"Joonie .. can you stay with me tonight. I feel like I won't be able to sleep without you." You asked while opening your eyes.
He looked at you and smiled.
"Sure thing my angel. I'm here for you and I always will be. He said laying beside you and hugging you close.

The next morning you get ready for school while Namjoon waits for you on the bed, playing with his phone. You wore a sporty outfit today because you only have one class.
"Babe! We're gonna be late. Are you done?" Namjoon shouts from the bedroom.
You came out of the bathroom, packed up your things and rushed out the door.

When you and Namjoon got to school you bid your goodbye's and went to class.
"God! The class for today is really boring." You thought managing to keeps your eyes open.
You decided to play games on your phone to get rid of the sleepiness.
"Y/N!! Get off of that phone before I take it away!" Your lecturer suddenly shouted.
You were so shocked that she noticed you when there are 100 other students in this room. You're kinda speechless, you can't process any words in your mind.
"Ma'am, it is my fault. I asked her to look at some photos in my phone. Mianhae." Suga suddenly spoke up. He covered you well, you thought to yourself.
"Please focus, you can look at the photos afterwards." The lecturer says while continuing the lesson.
You felt relieved. You looked at Suga and lip synced "Thank you". He smiled. Class finally ended and you were about to leave when someone called your name and stood in front of you.
"Y/N are you okay? You look really tired." He asked making you wonder why he cares so much about you (not in a mean way, just wondering).
"Yeah I'm ok. Btw, thanks for the help. That lecture was not fun at all." You said while smiling.
"No big deal. Umm, I was wondering .. are you free? Can I ask you to dinner?" He asked making you a little flustered.
You're not busy tonight. Namjoon has his band practice, while your friends went to the club ... Again.
"Yeah sure, as a return for your help. Where to?" You said making him smile.
"Anywhere that's near your house. So you can drive home short and safe." He said

Later that night:

You both went to the restaurant near your neighborhood and ate dinner together. You both ate with an awkward silence filling the air.
"How long have you been with your boyfriend?" He asked breaking the awkward silence.
"About a year. How about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked making things a little more awkward.
"I did .. in the past .. but she died." He said while you choked on your food.
"How did she die? Did she have a disease?" I asked with my hand over my heart in shock.
" No she didn't. She cheated on me and idk what happened to her. One night I got a call saying she died. People said she committed suicide." He said making you sad.
That scared you. Suicide! But served her right, cheating on people can make you feel guilty. You were so deep into thought you didn't notice Suga coming near you.

"Didn't you know that.. your boyfriend cheated on you?"

A/n: Do you really think Namjoon cheated on Y/N? But if he did.. how would Suga know? Lmk what you think will happen.

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