lesson six

244 35 15

Phil was in his room, getting ready for a live show.

He hadn't done one in weeks, and fans were getting impatient. Quickly running his hands through his hair and checking to make sure he looked okay, he went live.

Immediately the comment section went wild, fans typing in all caps.

"Hey guys!" he said, waving at the screen. "Welcome to another live show, it's been a while. How are you?"

"Maddie says she's okay...Ben says he's great...Amy says she's better now that I went live." He laughed at their responses. "Well that's good, I hope everyone is well." He went through his usual live show routine, beginning to give a status update on his houseplants.

Of course, the main thing fans wanted to know was, "where's Dan?" It was every other comment, and Phil tried to ignore it, but everyone kept asking. Sighing, he got up and yelled "Dan!"

A few seconds later Dan appeared in the doorway. "Yes?"

Phil shifted his laptop to face both of them. "They've been asking about you."

Dan quickly put on his YouTube smile, reading the comments and talking to the screen.

They continued the live show together, joking and making sarcastic comments to each other. To a random stranger, they'd look like two best friends acting playful and silly. You'd have to really know them to suspect that something was wrong, but the subtle changes were still there. There was Dan's uneasy glances towards Phil, and the way Phil never made eye contact with Dan. Luckily, none of the fans seemed to notice.

"A lot of you guys have been asking where we've been this week..." Phil scrolled through the comments, looking back up. "Actually, Dan's been teaching me piano." As soon as he said this, the comment section blew up, begging to hear him play. "Ha, you guys don't want to hear me play. I'm still not very good."

Dan turned to Phil, nudging him slightly. "Are you kidding me? Don't listen to Phil, he's been learning pretty quickly."

Phil was about to thank Dan for the compliment, but he spoke again before he could.

"Well, he has now. There was that one day where he forgot everything I'd taught him the night before..."

"Hey! I tried," Phil said, feeling his face go red. He buried his face into Dan's shoulder, unaware of the screenshots that would make their way to tumblr later.

"Philly, they're asking you to play them something," Dan said, playfully shaking Phil.

Phil's head was still buried in Dan's shoulder, but he managed to muffle a "fine" before grabbing his laptop and going to the other boy's room. Placing the laptop on top of the piano and angling the camera to face him, he turned to Dan. "What song should I play? I still don't know anything impressive," he added.

Taking a seat next to him, Dan shrugged. "What have you been working on? While I was gone, I mean." He said the last part of his statement rather harshly, but Phil disregarded it. It was hard for Dan to ignore the fact that Phil seemed to be making an effort to learn on his own. Of course he didn't mind—good for him, but it would've been nice to get a heads up or something.

Flipping through the pages of the book in front of him, Phil took a deep breath. "Well, there was this one song I learned earlier..."

Glancing nervously at his laptop, he began playing. His hands were shaking now that he knew he had an audience, but he tried to focus on reading the notes in front of him correctly and playing them right. It was a simple melody, and it never had both of his hands playing at the same time, but the fans were still freaking out.

Dan watched him with curiosity, surprised with how much he'd managed to learn in such a short period of time. He began noticing smaller details, like the way Phil bit his lip while playing, and how he tapped his foot as he pressed the keys—not quite at the right time. There was also the way he would pause for half a second when he was trying to figure out a note, and how he seemed to sigh a breath of relief once he finished the song.

"Yeah, that wasn't the best, but I'm still learning," Phil said, chuckling lightly.

Dan laughed as he scrolled through the comments, reading out the replies. "oh my god i'm shook" "he is such an angel" "wowza that was rlly good phil!!!1!11!" "wHAT THE HECK THIS IS JUST ANOTHER REASON TO LOVE HIM" "MAKE A VIDEO OUT OF THIS IT WOULD GET SO MANY VIEWS"

"That's not a bad idea," Dan said, referring to the last comment. "Maybe one day, guys."

After finishing the live show, Phil noticed Dan getting up from his seat. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Oh, you know...out?" Dan said, almost reluctantly, his voice getting higher at the end.

Phil laughed dryly, turning his head down. "Another date?"

Dan shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah, will you be okay here?"

Looking back at the music books and piano, Phil nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

a/n: so I said this was gonna be a short story but now idk bc i could easily wrap this up in ten parts or i could keep going and make it to 15-20-25ish parts but like i'm not good with long stories heLP and also i know 25 parts isn't exactly a long story but i'm new at this k i planned for this story to be a few parts and that's it but i still have a few ideas in mind for the plot sooooooo

also sorry this chapter was trash i tried

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