lesson seven

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For the first time in what felt like forever, Dan didn't have any plans for the night.

It was around the time Phil would usually go into his room and sit at the piano. Dan didn't mind that Phil was almost always in his room now, as he was usually gone when he was. But for once, Dan was home, and he didn't know what he should do. Phil seemed perfectly competent to teach himself, but was he still expecting Dan to teach him? It seemed Phil had moved on from Moonlight Sonata. Dan decided to stay in his room on his laptop so even when Phil did come in, he'd have to face him.

Sure enough, Phil waltzed in a few minutes later. He didn't seem fazed that Dan was home tonight, which Dan was entirely grateful for. He didn't want Phil to feel like he was forgetting him, because he wasn't. They just didn't spend as much time together as they used to.

"Hey," Phil said, taking a seat at the piano.

Dan looked up from his laptop. "Hi?"

After an awkward silence filled the room, Phil turned to Dan. "So are you gonna teach me or..."

Dan took this as his cue to get up. "Oh, right."

Taking a seat next to Phil, Dan pulled out his copy of Moonlight Sonata. He hesitated before setting it in front of them. "We're still learning this, right? Or we can work on something else if you'd like," he added hastily.

Phil laughed before grabbing the papers out of his hand and placing it in front of them. "You promised me you were going to teach me this. I'm still expecting you to keep that promise."

"Right, okay, um..." Dan nervously glanced up at the music. "Where were we? It feels like it's been awhile since I sat here with you."

The serious look on Phil's face unnerved Dan. "It has."


"We were at this part," Phil said, pointing towards a measure. "It goes something like this, right?" With that he began playing the beginning measures, and Dan was shocked to hear that he didn't sound half bad.

"Yeah, good job. But you stumbled on this part," Dan mentioned, playing the measure.

Phil played the part a second time, almost flawlessly, then glanced back up at Dan. He was extremely close to him, but he tried to steady his pounding heart. "Was that better?"

Dan felt anxious, and he didn't know why. He could feel his hands getting clammy and his chest felt tight all of a sudden. Him and Phil were only inches apart and he was desperately trying not to notice the way Phil kept glancing down at his mouth and oh god was he going to kiss him?

Turning away from Phil, Dan nodded. "Y-yeah, that was much better."

Phil smiled.

a/n: hhhhhhhh guys i'm having boy problems and especially with this one particular boy i can't,,

also this chapter is short as heck but don't worry the next ones will be longer

piano lessons // phan ((being rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now