Ch. 17- Knowing

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Ch. 17- Knowing


I woke up to the feeling of somebody watching me. If I didn't know who it was, it would have been creepy. I couldn't stop the smile as I thought of what happened last night.

"Good morning, baby sister."

I opened my eyes to find his face on the other side of the pillow. "Good morning, big brother!" I was so happy to be able to say that again, despite me having been home for a month now.

I realized how much of a difference it made to know this place was home. I no longer debated on leaving to continue my search. I let the place feel like home, and I knew I belonged.

I was officially home with my family.

He started to get up, but I pulled him back down. "Please, big brother, just a minute more. I've longed for this for nearly ten years."

"Actually, it has been ten years. Our birthday makes it eleven."

"Really? Hmm, I must have lost track of a year when I was younger or something. I got better at keeping track of time once I caught up with Bard."

"How old is Bard?"

"About five years younger than me, why?"

"Just curious."

"I'll have to visit him for Snoggletog. I missed last year. He hardly forgave me for that."

"What were you doing last year?"

"I went outside the archipelago searching for you," I answered. "I spent nearly a year and a half and made an ally as well as a few enemies. I got a hold of a special blade for him with a special leather with sapphire gems in it, and gave that to Bard as a late Snoggletog gift. He was really upset at my lack of- LETTERS! Oh, Thor, Bard's probably worried sick!"

I jumped out of bed and raced to the desk Hiccup had brought in specially for me. I quickly pulled out ink, a pencil, and paper, then stopped. I had no idea where to start.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Hiccup said, following me at a slower pace. "Relax. You've only been here a month. I'm sure Bard is fine. You can write and send the letter later. Right now, I'm hungry. Let's make breakfast."

Hiccup tugged me away from my desk with an aura I wasn't used to. It always circled him whenever Bard was brought up, and I didn't know why. I used the newly found fact of him being my brother to come up with another reason to Hiccup acting this way.

"Are you jealous of Bard because he's like a brother to me?" I asked as I was dragged down the stairs.

"What? Who? Me? Jealous of Bard? No," he denied, obviously fibbing. "Nope. Not at all. Not one bit."

I stopped him at the bottom steps. He was on the floor, and I was on the last step. "He'll never replace you, big brother. No one can. You're my one and only big brother."

He smiled, "Thanks. I needed that." He guided rather than dragged me the rest of the way, and we made ourselves a late breakfast before racing to the Academy.

"Hi, everybody!" I cheered, not able to contain my excitement.

"Well, someone's happy today," Snoutlout noted.

"Wait," Tuff called from his pinned down state under Ruffnut. "Ow! Ow!" he yelled as his sister twisted his arm back. Ruffnut lowered his arm again. "Isn't she always happy?"

"Yeah, but I'm with Snoutlout on this one. Something's different," Fishlegs said.

"So, what's got you two so happy?" Astrid asked, walking up to us. She saw our hands together. "Did you?" she trailed, hinting the rest of the question for Hiccup.

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