Ch. 19- The Perfect Story

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Ch. 19- The Perfect Story


"We won't get in trouble, will we?" I whispered loudly, climbing on Violet to take Hiccup to see Gem. It was night, and just the two of us (four if you count the dragons).

"Of course not. I hope," he added the last part under his breath, not meaning for me to hear it.

"You hope?" I asked, extremely worried. My heart raced like it did when we snuck out when we were younger. Hmm, I guess some things never change.

"You hope what?" the voice of our father asked behind us.

Hiccup groaned at being caught and climbed off Toothless. "Hey, dad," he pushed, trying to act casually. "W- what are you doing up so late? Shouldn't you be sleeping? You- you have a full day of chiefting tomorrow."

His lying hadn't improved. I slumped over, knowing we were busted before we even started. His "I'm hiding something" voice definitely wasn't helping, either. I hopped off Violet to back him up anyways.

Dad put his hands on his waist and hummed in agreement but disbelief. "Care to explain where you two are going?"

Hiccup continued trying to lie our way out of any trouble. "Just a little midnight flight, you know. It's a lovely night." Dad didn't remove his look of knowing he was being lied to. Hiccup gave up and admitted, "Okay, Star is showing me a rare dragon she found while she was away."

Dad nodded in approval. "And you couldn't wait till morning?"

He looked at me for the answer, but I let Hiccup keep talking (though it wasn't the smartest choice I ever made). "Then the gang would want to go, and the dragon Star is showing me doesn't like new people. Having everyone come at once would probably overwhelm the dragon."

Dad nodded but asked me, "Is the dragon safe to be around?"

Confidently, I nodded. "Yeah, Gem is really friendly. She's just shy around people and dragons she doesn't know. Completely safe, I promise."

Dad nodded, smiling. "Alright then, when will y'all be back?"

"In a day or two," Hiccup answered.

"And where is this dragon?" We stayed silent before dad persisted, "I won't go telling everybody, I just want to know where my kids will be in case something happens."

We relaxed, and I pointed, "A secluded island by Sapphire Island. It's a few islands west of it, in fact."

He nodded, "Thank you, and be safe. Hiccup, take care of your sister. If anything happens to her, I'm holding you responsible."


I snickered, trying to cover it with my hand.

"You heard me," dad said. He yawned, still tired. "Well, you two be safe. See you in a few days." He gave us goodbye hugs.

"Bye, dad," I smiled, loving the chance to say that.

"Bye, uh, dad," Hiccup said at his awkward hug. "Star will be safe with me. Besides, when am I not safe?" He climbed on Toothless before adding, "Don't answer that. See you soon!" He took off, leaving me to rush to Violet and follow.

"Don't you get into a lot of danger?" I asked as we left Berk and started flying over the ocean.

"That's why I added the 'Don't answer that' part," he sheepishly admitted. "Anyways, I don't think we'll get into much trouble with Gem. It's just one dragon. Seriously, what's the worst that could happen?"

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