Ch. 4- A Startling Mix Up

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Ch. 4- A Startling Mix Up


I woke up with Violet asleep next to me. Weird. She normally wakes up before me. Oh well, she needs her sleep.

She was slightly bigger than when we first met, but then again so was I.

I put some more fire wood on the dying fire and waited for Violet to wake up as I drew in my notebook (I traded it for a few fish and baskets I made, like I do with all the stuff I have, traded for or made it).

When Violet woke she nudged me with her nose. "Hey, Vi. Ready?" She quickly stood and nearly pulled me on her back herself. "Whoa girl. Calm down, just give me a minute to pack and then we'll leave, okay?" She nodded and let me put my notebook and pencil in my bag, which also had 2 pairs clothes and a journal I wrote in just in case I found my family, they would know how I've been.

I hope that they're alive. More than likely daddy is the only one, if my dream is truly just memories. It's been just about a year since I got lost; soon I'll turn seven. I'm starting to lose hope, but Violet helps me get it back. She is my best friend.

"Come on, Vi," I jumped on her back and she took off towards the sky.

We flew to some rocks sticking up from the water. Sea stacks, if I remember correctly. She flew through them with ease, twisting and turning to get through. Then we flew straight up. Then I could touch the clouds, I jumped off her back and began free falling; Violet was doing the same. The cool wind brushed through my hair, adrenaline rush though me, making me excited; it was awesome. When we got close to the water Violet spun around so I could get on her back. She started flying within moments before hitting the water. "Nice job, Vi."

She started rushing to two sea stacks that met in the middle to make a shape of a upside down U. I knew what trick she wanted to do. When we got close enough to the rock, I jumped off of her and went over the rock as she went under. As soon as my foot touch the ground, I ran to the other side, running off the edge without a second thought. I landed on her back. "Good job, Vi."

We did tricks and stunts until lunch. Then we caught some fish and ate lunch.

"Time to search," I climbed on Violet's back. We flew over the a different island and saw a village. "I'm gonna search the village." Violet flew close to the forest so she wouldn't be spotted. Not every person was friendly to dragons, and I didn't want her getting hurt. She landed near the village, and I climbed off her back. "Stay out of sight. Bye, Vi. See you in a little bit."

I walked for about five minutes before entering the village. I tried to act like I belonged here. Doing it for the past year, I was pretty good at it. Most of the time.

No brother, no mommy, no daddy. Didn't find any of them. I did, however, trade for bread, a piece of pie, some cabbage, and carrots.

"Vi! Violet!" I called. "Violet, there you are. Did anyone see you?" I asked, as I scratched under her chin where she liked it. She shook head. "Good girl. Ready to leave?" I climbed on her back as she nodded.

We took off to the sky and went to a uninhabited island, so I didn't have to worry as much of Violet being caught. We flew around the island as we watched the sunset, like always. It was beautiful.

I took a blanket out of a bag on Violet's saddle and spread it out. The blanket was big enough to fit me and most of Violet. Violet made a small pile of sticks, dead leaves and small branches for a small fire. Violet then laid down of part of the blanket, and I laid down next to her and wrapped the unused part of the blanket over myself.

"Night, Vi," I said. Her reply was a quiet purr.


Thump! Thump! I woke up to a pounding on the ground and someone nudging my shoulder. I was torn: I didn't want to wake up, but I knew Violet would only wake me up if it was important.

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