New Events

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Once Janae left, Nya and I decided to take turns doing our morning routines. I told Nya she could go first out of respect, but it's also because I needed to call Brittany. I know for sure that she did something.

(A/N: "K" = Keith, "B" = Brittany)

B: Hey Keith...surprised you cal- (gco)

K: Why the hell would you do that?

B: Do what? I don't know what you're talking about!

K: Why would you tell the whole damn world about my business?

B: I didn't tell the whole damn world about your business so chill.

K: Who did then?

B: Why you asking me that? Ask the bitch you're with.

K: First of all she's not a bitch. Second of all, I'm asking you because you're the only one that knows abo- (gco)

B: Don't lie. I'm not the only one who knows. You got the bitch's best friend and her boyfriend.

K: That's true but they wouldn't do anything like that and I know you would.

B: Well are you mad?

K: Hell yeah! Why would I be calling you then?

B: Well let me make you feel better. I'll be at your house around 3 so you better be home and if not, imma make sure you regret it.

K: Damn you crazy as hell...why you so obsessed with me? Like I don't blame ya but you too extreme.

B: I'm not obsessed, I just love you a lot. Well I gotta go, I'll see you around 3 baby. *hangs up*

I'm just sitting looking dumb right now. I really don't know what to do. I would like to spend at least a few more hours with Nya cause it's only 11 A.M right now but I don't want to put her in any danger because Brittany will get wild. Nya finally comes out the bathroom and it's my turn to go in.

• • •

Nya and I cooked some pancakes, eggs, bacon, and grits for breakfast and it was so good😂. I never knew Nya could cook so well. After we was both done eating, it was now 12:45 P.M. "So what do you want to do now?" Nya asked. "Um I think I should get going now." I say. Only reason why I'm leaving early is cause I gotta prepare for Brittany and her craziness. "Oh ok...thanks for hanging out with me, it was fun." Nya said. "Yeah thank you so much. I'll most definitely come back over and maybe sometime soon you can come over my place." I say. "Sure. Do you need anything before you go?" Nya asked. "No...I just need to go as soon as possible. Bye Nya." I said, getting annoyed. "Ok then go ahead. No reason to get mad." Says Nya. I just storm past her and go out her door. I don't know why but one second, we're all cool but then the next, we get annoyed. Maybe it's just her mood swings🤷🏾‍♂️.


I wonder why Keith was in such a rush. I guess it's none of my business cause if it was I think I would've known by now. I started to clean up my kitchen while listening to music. This time I wasn't listening to New Edition but I was listening to Michael Jackson. The song was "Do You Remember The Time" and it's just reminding me of Keith and how cute he is. Yes, I admit it...Keith is hella fine but he just seems kinda off sometimes. I think the Brittany girl is really getting to him. That's probably why he left so damn early😑. Oh well, he probably likes her a whole lot and I'm just the "best friend" on the side that he flirts with.

While I was cleaning, I get a phone call from Woody. I got all of the guys phone numbers after the Bio Pic Party was over just to stay in touch for future parties and plans.

(A/N: Y'all know the deal by now lol)

N: Hey Woody, what's up?

W: Hey! I just needed to ask you something.

N: Yeah sure. Is everything ok?

W: Yes of course, don't start acting like my mother...asking all these questions

N: Sorry😂but what you gotta ask me?

W: Umm...would you like to go out for dinner one night this week?

N: ............................

W: Nya? You there??

N: Sorry I'm here. Yeah of course! I'd love to!

W: Ok good. Does tomorrow night work?

N: It works perfectly fine. Thanks Woody

W: No problem, see you then

N: Ok bye *hangs up*

Well I guess I'm going out with Woody tomorrow night🤷🏾‍♀️😁.

Ex-Best Friends Or Lovers? | Keith Tyree PowersWhere stories live. Discover now