Destiel / HS / Brain Flower

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Hey guys! Sorry that I keep doing all Cockles and Destiel fanfics. Get used to it okay both are my top OTPs so okay. Be excited though, I have a HighSchool JohnLock coming I just need to edit it and write some more. Be prepared okay. Okay okay. Btw I'm trying a different way of doing POVs (1st person) just to see. Anyway, comment vote and whatever people do on wattpad. Okay. Enjoy the destiel ness.

-the hella awesome writer

Chapter One:

Castiel's POV:

I sat in my first class of the day, maths. The problems were easy and I had already written them down. I check my work, they were all right. Now I could doodle in my drawing notebook. Drawing is not really a profession I'd like to go and achieve, I mean I could if I wanted to. I'd like to discover new stuff, like some new equation or a planet. OK, maybe not a planet. I'd like to be the next Einstein. Maybe, I don't know though. My grades are fine, mostly As and A+s. OK my grade are great. Whatever, what ever gets me through the year and into a nice college. School is my main priority, I need good grades to get into a good college. I am a senior for the Lord's sake.

The door to my class swooshed open, and someone walked in. All the eyes in the room, plus mine, looked up at the boy in front of us. He wasn't really a boy, more of a man. His jawline was detailed, strong and square. His stubble was like pepper sprinkled on his cheeks and chin. On his cheek bones and nose were beautiful, little brown, cinnamon coloured freckles. His eyes, they weren't green. They were more than green. Brown and yellow flecks in the beauty of his emerald eyes. They were flashing, dancing with pure amazingness. His hair, short, brownish blond. I wanted to run my fingers through it, wait what? His body was beautiful, why am I thinking this? His muscles clear under his shirt and plaid. His lips, perfectly defined and pink. He smiled, his teeth were straight, probably just like his sexuality. I blinked in awe at him, he was so...perfect. Something so perfect could never be mine, never. I should just push down feelings, he'll never like me. He probably likes boobs and vaginas, I mean look at him. I'm so typical, so plain. So dorky, I'm a nerd. He'd never in a million years like me. I'm just a shadow, run-of-the-mill, simple, gay, teenager.

His eyes, the storm of green washed over the class. When his eyes fell on me, they stayed there for a few seconds but then passed. I must have imagined it. "Hey," his eyes fell on the Teacher.

Mr. Singer frowned, "And who are you?"

"Dean Winchester, I'm new here," he smiled broadly. Dean Winchester, beautiful and strong. Just like the rest of him. It suited him nicely.

"Well Mr. Winchester, please just sit down," Mr. Singer waved his arm at the desks. Please sit by me, oh please Lord make him sit at least near me. Dean sat down a few desks away, next to my friend Lisa. She's absolutely gorgeous, long brown hair and chocolate eyes. Great body if you're into that kind of thing, which I'm not. Dean probably was. Where Dean sat, I had a perfect view to look at him. And so I did, wishing he sat by me. But if he sat by me, what in God's name would I say? Nevermind, it was good thing that he stayed away. But by Lisa... He would probably fall in love with her. Great, thanks Lisa. Dean whispered something to Lisa, like a question or somehting. He was smirking slightly, and she was about to answer but Mr. Singer called on me.

"Please restate the question again, sir." I tore my eyes away from Dean, trying to be a polite as possible.

Mr. Singer huffed, "What's the answer to number 14, Castiel?" He said something under his breath like "Id'jit," or something weird like that.

Dean's POV:

His name was Catsiel. The beautiful boy with the misty, ocean blue eyes was named Catsiel. A funny name, but it suited him. He wore a trench coat and a button up with a tie. Castiel was some angel name, right? Fit him defiently: he looked like an angel. He looked up at the math teacher, his name was Mr. Singer. Said so on my schedule. Castiel's perfect lips parted and he started to speak. His voice was low and husky, like a sex voice. His jawline was beautiful, stubble smudging his cheeks and chin. His hair was dark and messy, like perfect sex hair. Shit, he's making me think of sex. Great, now I'm thinking about sliding my fingers through that sexy hair of his... As he explained the problem, he slid his finger through his hair, must be a habit. It made his hair look more perfect. Castiel finished speaking with a quick few last words and then looked down at his notebook awkwardly. He was so adorable, yet sexy. I knew I was bi for many years, but I had never been so attracted to a guy like this before. But he was straight, look at him for God's sake! The girls probably dropped like flies around him, yet nobody sat next to him... He probably had a hot girlfriend so the ladies stayed away. I couldn't imagine staying away from him, I wanted to sit next to him and slid him fingers through his hair.

The girl next to me smiled, "Lisa. My name is Lisa."

I nodded, "Hey." My eyes still hadn't left Castiel. I didn't want to, he was perfect. His eyes kept flickering to me, I was probably imagining it. He was drawing or writing something in some notebook. Judging by the way he held it, it wasn't just some notebook.

"So I see someone here likes the same gender," Lisa whispered in a hushed voice.

"Liking the same gender? Did someone say my name?" The red headed girl behind Lisa leaned over at us.

Lisa smiled, "This is Charlie. Probably the biggest Lesbian you'll ever meet."

Charlie smiled broadly, "And what's your name?"

"Dean," I smiled back, tearing my eyes away from Castiel. I soon looked back at Castiel. He was looking at me this time. My face went hot and I looked away, was he actually looking at me? His face got red and he looked away, too. Oh my god, OH MY GOD. Was he actually looking at me? Why did he blush? Is he gay? Bi? What if he thinks I'm weird? What if he likes me? He can't like me! He probably just noticed me looking at him and-

"R-i-i-i-ght. You just introduce yourself. I wasn't listening. And neither are you really, are you?" Charlie whispered, a smirk curling on her lips.

"Wha-what?" I shook my head, clearing it.

Lisa bit her smiling bottom lip, "You like Cas, don't'cha?" Cas, that's a great nickname. Adorable and perfect, just like the person the name belonged to.

I blinked a few times, breathing fast, was it actually that obvious?! "What?" I sounded so dumb.

"Mr. Winchester, I know you're new here and all but seriously, don't talk while I'm talking. What's the answer for 20?" Mr. Singer sneered.

I glanced over at Lisa's paper, "Uh, 42?"

"Is that a question or an answer?"


"OK, it's right. How I'd you find it?" Mr. Singer flared his nostrils.

"Well," I decided to be a little cocky. "I actually have no idea. I did just come into your close -oh- maybe 5 minutes ago and I was copying off my good friend here, she didn't know of course so therefore I have no idea."

Mr. Singer pursed his lips, "Pay attention you id'jit!" He turned back to the board and started to drone on.

I turned my head to Lisa and Charlie, "'id'jit'?"

Charlie shrugged, "He's weird. Anyway, so. You fancy Cas."

I blushed and nodded slightly.

"Talk to him," Lisa persisted quietly.

"No!" I protested in a hushed voice. "I only think he's attractive! I can't just talk to him!"

"Yeah, yeah you can." Charlie nodded at Castiel, raising her eyebrows.

"I don't know anything about him!" I said, hopefully ending the conversation.

"I know lots," Charlie whispered. Mr. Singer glared at her so she stopped talking. With her quietest voice she whispered, "I'll make a 'Get to know Castiel' paper for you. I'm like, he's BFF!" I chuckled, my eyes turning to Cas. He was so beautiful. Perfect, like a angel statue you see in famous museums. And his eyes, the gorgeous way they were intense but so clouded with blue mist. The way they looked at you, in that beautiful, amazing way... Wait. 'The way the looked at you.' He was looking at me. His eyes were looking into mine, wait OH MY GOD. Castiel was looking at me, like full straight on all attention on me. What. Oh my god. My face started to feel very hot, like jalapeños on my face. Shit. My eyes widened and I looked away quickly, shit, shit, shit, shit. He looked away too, his face like a tomato.

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