7 / I Love

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Chapter Seven:

-after school-

Dean's POV:

I decided to drive Cas home. His little brother, Gabriel and Sam are buddies so I gave Gabe a ride too.

"Hey Dad, when are we leaving?" I asked my dad over they phone.

"About 5 or 6, we gotta get there by tomorrow. Why?"

"I'm gonna hang out with some friends, that's why."

"OK, just drop Sammy off."

"He's bringing a friend by the way."

"OK, see you soon."

"See ya'," I hung up and set down my phone. My phone buzzed, I got a text.

Text me all the deets of you and Cas's texts! Like Right Now! -Queen of Moons

Cas looked down. I put my key in the ignition of my sweet baby, the '67 Impala. "Hey you two, buckle up!" Sam and Gabe sneered, buckling up. I buckled up and so did Cas. I started the car, my baby purred beautifully. I started to drive off when Cas picked up my phone. He was looking at somehting. I didn't care. At this point, I'm pretty sure I love him with my entire being so whatever is mine is his. I have nothing to hide.

"Sammy and Gabe, I'm going to drop you guys off. Cas and I are hanging out elsewhere."

Sam growled, "Call me Sam."

"Sammy, Sammy. That's cute though!" Gabriel smiled. Sam blushed and looked away. Love bird. I dropped them off and they scrambled inside.

I turned to Cas, "So." Cas set down my phone, he was looking at our conversation. That means he saw my smiley face, shit. What was he thinking? I felt my face get hot looking at it.

"I see you put a smiley face by my name," he smiled, his cheeks slightly pink.

"Is that a bad thing?" I swallowed, I really wanted to know.

He pulled out his phone and showed me his contact for me. It read "Dean Winchester:)" He put a smiley by my name, too. "I think it's a good thing," he looked down, putting his phone in his lap. I picked up his phone, and decided to edit my contact. I changed "Dean Winchester:)" to "Dean Winchester<3" I took out my phone and changed the smiley to a heart on Cas's name. Cas looked down at his phone and back to me.

"Dean," he started weakly. Oh no, he didn't like me. But he held my hand! But he always blushed! He sent the smiley face back, he even put it next to my name!

"I understand," I looked down. "You don't like me like that, I get it." My world was crashing around me, I just couldn't believe it,

"No, no, no! Dean! I-I-" he raised my head to look at him with his fingers. He dropped them quickly, blushing instantly and looking down, "I really, really, really like you. Like, like you a lot. And not like as a friend, but more." He fiddled with his fingers, "And I dunno I just met you yesterday and you make me feel really happy. I haven't felt this way in since I dunno, forever. And the way you do everything, it's just so amazing and beautiful and perfect I dunno. And there's just something about you-" he cut himself off. He was rambling and it was adorable and perfect and amazing. He liked me. Like, like like liked me. Liked me more as a friend. Like, he had a crush on me. It was hard to believe. The guy of my dreams like me. I felt my face get hot and my stomach go in a whirl. I looked at him, his face was red and beautiful. I couldn't help but smile.

"I super duper like you a lot, Cas. I dunno. You make me feel so weird, but weird in the good way. Like, I don't usually act like this. It takes me a while to like somebody, but with you it was kinda instant. And I just wanna be with you always. I wanna constantly touch you, like hold your hand no hug you and kiss you if you're cool with that stuff and I dunno. I've never felt this way. I just wanna be with you and I wanna hold you so badly." I tried to stop myself from going on and on but it was all spilling out. "You're so handsome and beautiful and perfect in every way and I want to be with your perfectness always. Ugh, I sound really cheesy I'm sorry." If I wanted a girl to date me or something, I would just flirt with her and whatever. Cas just made me spill everything and I have no idea why.

Castiel's POV:

Dean Winchester liked me. Like, had a crush. He admitted it and I admitted my feelings. It was mutal. For the first time in forever, my feelings were mutal. I couldn't stop smiling. Dean was so cute and perfect and he felt that way about me! His eyes were on me, he looked like a sexgod. With Dean, I somehow knew I could just spill the beans on him and just tell him everything . I don't know why but I really wanted to.

"I really like your eyes, I mean I like, love them. I don't know what colour to call them, though. They're not just green, they're brown and yellow and grey too. And I really like that," I have no idea why I was saying this, but I was.

He smiled broadly, the skin around his eyes crinkled when he smiled. It was so beautiful. "I really like your hair. It's like perfect sex hair, you know hair after sex." I looked down, no I didn't know. "Oh, I'm so sorry! You're hair just reminds me of sex, like not with the chick I had sex with but like, uh, sex with uhm, you." I blushed, looking back up into Dean's eyes. He smiled, leaning closer to me. Dean slid his fingers through my hark like I always did, but his fingers were so delicate in the way he went through my messy dark hair, it was adorable and a bit sexy. He liked my hair, it made him think of sex with me. Everything abut him made me think of sex, a little problematic.

"Everything about you makes me think of sex with you, Dean." I whispered looking down slightly. I turned my body to face Dean, so my eyes fell on his chest. He inched closer, letting his hand slip down to my neck.

He breathed out slowly, "I love the way you say my name."

"I love your voice," I responded. I really did love it. The way his deep voice always somehow made me just want to squirm with happiness.

"I love your body," he whispered. I looked up into his eyes. Dean pressed his forehead to mine, his hand still on my neck.

"I love your lips," I swallowed slowly, looking at them. They were so perfect.

"I love you," Dean closed the space between us. He kissed me delicately, but still it was a kiss. I kissed back, his lips slowly parting. My lips synced with his, opening slightly, too. He started to kiss me harder, his tongue running along my bottom lip. I wasn't a very experienced kisser, but it didn't really matter much. Dean was amazing. I guess it mattered to him, I wasn't very good at all. But I tried to follow his lead as best I could.

Dean's POV:

He kissed me back. He kissed me back. He want the best kisser, he was a little sloppy. I didn't care, he was kissing me. Hopefully, I would kiss him lots of times to teach him how to kiss properly. Like a real kiss. I needed him closer so I put my hand on his cheek, pulling his head closer. It brought us into a deeper kiss. Cas definitely learned some kissing skills from tv, which were good. I assumed that I'm his first kiss. I'm sure he kissed a girl when he was younger, but as first kiss I mean like real, emotions and tongue first kiss. I'd kissed plenty of girls, and even for the some who were my girlfriend I had never felt so strongly about one of them like this. Especially only in 2 days of time. Cas let his tongue slid on my upper lip, and pulled me in for another kiss. He pulled on my too lip with his teeth gently, his lips around it. I wanted more of him. I pulled his head into a full kiss, big, lots of fighting tongues and lips. For a beginner, Cas was a great kisser. Each kiss was memorable. We pulled away, the need for a full breath of air was too much.

Cas breathed heavily, "Was that," he stopped to take a breath. "OK?"

I smiled, sucking in air, "That was amazing, you're a perfect kisser."

"What do you mean? You're the expert." He pressed his forehead to mine again.

"Nah, you're amazing. Was I your first like real, real kiss? Not like a little kid crush kiss, like a real first kiss?" I stroked his face with my fingers along his cheek and jawline.

Cas smiled, "Yes."

"And you're mine, like real love first kiss." I smiled back, moving my head to kiss his jawline.

His piercing blue eyes closed, "I love you, Dean Winchester."

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