2 / Missing Someone You Dont Know

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Chapter Two:

Castiel's POV:

"Hey Cassie!" Charlie called as we all filed out of the classroom. Charlie and I practically had every class together so she followed me everywhere. I wish I was her, she got to speak to Dean.

"Hey," I smiled, waiting for her to catch up. Dean had left the classroom with Lisa.

Charlie caught up to me smiling broadly, "So, Cassie I know you -well- like the same gender and-"

"Shhhhhh!" I hushed her. Nobody probably heard, hallways were too loud, but still maybe.

"Sorry dude! Whatever, anyway so you know. So I saw you mooning over the new kid Dean and guess what?" Charlie excitedly bit her lip. Was it that obvious I was staring at him? I guess it was, I mean, he did catch me looking a million times. And I caught him staring too...

We stopped at Charlie's locker, that of course was a few away from Dean's. He walked away as we came over, his eyes flickering to mine. I blushed deeply, "Hmm?"

"He likes yo-u-u-u-u!" Charlie sang. I stopped breathing for a second, did I even like him? I haven't even spoken a word to him. He hasn't even spoken a word to me. He can't like me. He's not gay. He can't like me. He just can't. Why would someone so perfect like me? I'm nothing special, nothing so gorgeous like him could like an ugly freak like me. I'm not ugly, I guess. But I'm not beautiful, not like Dean.


"You should ask him out. Like, right now!" Charlie slammed her locker, taking my hand. She started pulling me to him, but I stopped her.

"Stop it Charlie! He doesn't like me, I don't like him. Just-just let's get to class." I tugged on her sleeve.

She scowled, "OK Mr. Frowny face. I'm still going to hook you up." I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my embarrassment. He probably just gave the wrong impression to her, that he liked me. He couldn't, he liked Lisa. Lisa was holding a paper and was reading off it. Dean looked like he was listening to her every word, completely paying attention to her. She would look up to see where she was going and add a few sentences to whatever she was reading. He would smile and blush, he was totally into her.

I sat down in a desk next to Charlie, we now had Art. The Art teacher, Ms. Naomi smiled at me. She had a last name, we all forgot though. She liked when we called her by her first name, Naomi. She was like the devil, and apparently she liked me kinda and wanted to take me under her wing. She kinda ruined art for me, she is just like Satan. She's really strict and is mean, she wants everything to be perfect and by the school rules.

"Class, settle down settle down!" She yelled, everyone did what she asked. If you didn't shed yell at you and probably give you a week's worth of detention. "Today, we're going to learn more about 3-D figures. Now-" she blabbered on, turning to start drawing cubes and cylinders on the blackboard. I yawned and opened my drawing notebook. I flipped to the page where I was drawing Dean. I couldn't get his eyes right, it was very frustrating.

Charlie looked over my shoulder, "Hey Da Vinci, i see you're drawing your boyfriend."

I sneered closing my notebook, "He's not my boyfriend!" I tried to be as quiet as possible. Ms. Naomi kept droning on. She passed out some papers and then went to her desk, reading some biography about some artist. I quickly drew 3-D shapes, covering my paper like it said to do on the board. I went back to my notebook, covering the side of it with my arm so no one could see. I didn't really look like Dean much, it the basic features. I needed more time to draw, I also needed to see his face. His face, I missed it so much. His eyes, his cheeks, his hands, his lips. I missed a guy I didn't even know.

Dean's POV:

My second class was music with Lisa. She was great. She read off the paper Charlie had made all about Cas, and she had added stuff to it. I soaked in everything, every last word. He had a bunch of siblings, he's family was super religious so they named each child after angels. So I was right earlier. He has a little brother Gabriel who was my little brother Sammy's age. Castiel was gay, only Lisa and Charlie knew. He told Charlie only but Lisa caught on. Castiel was a virgin, he hadn't come out to his parents. He liked burgers and drawing. He also really liked math and science. He also had a lot of cousins, too. His parents were big Christains, a little cathloic. Apparently, his mother was Catholic and his dad was Christian. So they didn't use birth control. His mother had lots of siblings who had lots of kids. Some went to their school. Castiel was super smart, and got bullied a lot. He had friends, Lisa and Charlie basically, and some other people. He was quite and shy, very friendly and polite. Lisa decided to not tell me anything else so that I could find out the rest.

Thank God he's gay, I mean seriously thank God even if there is one. Thank the Gay God. I missed him so much, what am I saying? I haven't even talked to he guy and I'm missing him! I wonder what he's doing now. Lisa told me his schedule, he had art with Charlie right now. He's probably drawing, with those beautiful fingers of his. His hair dangling beautifully, and his intense eyes focussing on his work. Shit, what am I even doing? Agh, whatever. I'm officially a crazy person, I mean I'm imagining what some adorable, perfect guy is doing and I haven't even met him. But, whatever. I'm just gonna bask in my craziness.

Castiel's POV:

"So Cas, you wanna know stuff about Dean?" Charlie drew some lopsided cubes. I shrugged. She took it as a yes and kept talking. Ms. Naomi said we could talk, thank god. "So, I was talking to him earlier and he said that he's bi and he has a little brother." He's bi. Thank you Gay Lord, oh my goodness thank you! "He's little bro is about Gabriel's age. Dean's really out going and stuff. Pretty brave I guess. He kept asking about you during math so I gave him a list of things about you."

"You what?!" I tried to yell in a hushed voice.

"I gave him a list of things about you, by the way I told him you're -you know-" she dropped her voice, "gay."

My face turned very, very hot, "You told him?!"

"Yeah, don't kill me, bro. I told you he's bi so you know, and you guys are going to date so it's just better to know." Charlie shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Everything was happening too fast, I didn't even know if I liked the guy, he was attractive but whatever. I shook it off and kept scribbling cones. I couldn't get his face out of my head, the way he looked at me during math. The way he just looked at you, his entire being seemed to look over you. I shook my head, trying to clear it. It wouldn't clear, it was just all Dean. I missed his eyes, they didn't look the same in your head.

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