12 / Making Plans

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Crowley, the school bully and his girlfriend/sidekick Abbadon beat up Castiel to the point he goes home. His mother still home, patched him up and grounds him. He must stay home and as she is going to leave, Gabrike comes in, trying to ditch school. His phone was the on,y thing letting Castiel talk to Dean and now Gabriel is grounded from his. Both brothers at grounded from the home phone. Castiel's mother could see if Castiel had called anyone that day so he tries to not get in anymore trouble. Dean is coming home on Friday and wants to see him. Meanwhile, Dean has not gotten a text from Castiel in days and is getting more and more sad, causing the people around him to be sad. His father, hits Dean twice and tells him to cheer up. Dean goes into the bathroom, hurt and depressed because of the abuse and Castiel, self harms.

Chapter Twelve:

Castiel's POV:

It was Friday, finally! I has tried texting Dean on Charlie's phone but every time I did a teacher would walk by or she would have to go.

I walked home to find my mother making dinner.

"Hello Castiel."

"Hello Mom, when do I get my phone back?" I was so eager I could barely hold it in.

She smiled, "First, how was your day?" She rested her hand on my cheek, inspecting my cuts.

"It was fine, how about you?"

"Good, good." She pulled out my phone from her pocket and handed it to me. I grabbed it but she still held on, "What do you say?"

"Thank you, I learned my lesson and I will try never again to get it not a fight." I smiled and she smiled, letting go. I ran up to my room, turning my phone on. 20% left. I plugged it in and went to text messages. 67 unread text messages. A few from Charlie and Gabe but mostly Dean. I read through them and my smile faded. I felt so bad my heart hurt so much, worse than it had when Crowley beat me up.

Cas? I'm sorry if I did anything to make you stop talking to me ;(( -DW

Baby? -DW

I love you please talk to me ;(((( -DW

Why aren't you answering? -DW

I'm sorry I'm annoying :( -DW

Most of his texts were like that. Sometimes he would say how pathetic he was and how much of a terrible person he was. I texted faster I ever had in my life.

Dean! I'm so so so so so so sorry I didn't respond I'm so sorry! Baby I love you so much! I got grounded because I got into a fight I'm so sorry baby I love you more than you know! You didn't do anything wrong you're amazing and perfect and I love you so much! Babe I miss you I'm sorry you don't even understand how sorry I am I tried texting you but it just didn't work out I'm sorry I love you I'm so sorry I love you more than you know :*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* and a million billion more my love :) -CN

I didn't even think, I just typed and sent it. After a few minutes he started to respond.

Baby! Who hurt you? I will kill them! I love you so much I forgive you forever :*:*:*:*:*:* I love you more than you will ever know I'm so happy you can text i love you and i miss you so much and I love you and omg Cassie my baby! :))))))))) -DW

I'm ok the person got dealt with

I was lying, he would be back

I love you so much when are you coming home? :******** -CN

In just an hour from now baby :***** -DW

Maybe you can come over with Gabe and we can snuggle and watch movies :*************** -DW

Yes! I love you so much :***************** -CN

"Mom? Tomorrow can I go over to Dean's?" I yelled down the hall.

"For how long?"

"Maybe stay the night. Like a sleepover. I promise to come home on Sunday for church." I yelled back.

"Ok be safe! Don't get into another fight!" If I promise to come home for church she always says yes.

My mom says yes! :*** -CN

You can come over and call me anytime you can! :) :**** -DW

I love you -CN

I love you forever and ever -DW

I texted Gabe the plans. He got his phone back too.

Hey gabby tomorrow morning we're going to the Winchesters for a day hang out and maybe sleepover. -CN

I heard. :))) I'll be ready -GN

I'm so sorry baby, I gotta go back to work :(( I love you so much I'll text you when we get in the road :****** -DW

Ok babe :* I love you -CN

Dean's POV:

Cas was going to come over, and he was back! He was alive! And because he was grounded, not because he stopped loving me. Who ever hurt them will pay the price, I swear.

"Sammy, tomorrow morning Gabe and Cas are coming over. Maybe sleepover." I whispered into Sammy's ear.

He turned his head away from the computer screen, "Really?" I nodded. We both smiled at each it ehe and worked as fast as possible.

-later that night-

Hey dad- Sammy and I are going back home. We printed out the reports and all our research. It's just under this note. I left $50 with it too. Thank you for letting us leave. love you, Dean and Sammy.

I left the note on a stack of papers and the money.

"C'mon Sammy, let's go!" We picked up our bags and headed for the impala. I knew dad would find a way home. Maybe he could use my money to get a cab or the bus when he needed to come home. I could always pick him.

"Hey Dean, can I use your phone to watch YouTube?" Sammy asked, snuggling into his seat. The sun was just setting.

"Sure, when Cas texts let me know." I smiled, slamming my door and putting my key into the ignition.

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