10 / Broken and Bent

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Chapter Ten:

-two days later-

Hey baby! I know you're prob in school but your trench coat arrived today! It smells just like you :* -DW

I love you btw -DW

You smell amazing :) -DW

God damn it Cas -DW

Sorry baby -DW

You make me feel all tingly. I've never felt like this before -DW

Hello Dean :) -CN

Hey! Lunch? :)) -DW

Yes, I miss you babe :* -CN

I want to get home to check if your hoodie came in :( -CN

It's prob there :) -DW

What's up babe? :* -CN

I'm so sorry baby :* :( I have to go back to work :((( I love you so much, I'm wearing your trench coat :*:*:*:* -DW

:( ok babe I love you more :*:*:* text me later :*:* -CN

:* of course my love -DW

Castiel's POV:

The core of my heart throbbed, I really wanted to go home. Like, I wanted to jump out the window and get Dean's hoodie that was maybe at my house. Probably. my trench coat did arrived at his motel. If it arrived, then he got my picture. I took a picture of myself that was decent and printed it. I put it into the pocket of my coat. Would he put it into his wallet? Would he like it? Maybe he didn't like it and threw it out! Ok, Cas calm down. He wouldn't throw it out, it wasn't a Dean kinda thing. It had been 1 week since Dean had left for his family thing. His dad was a hunter. Like, he hunted animals and things. Because his tracking skills and his just well known knowledge had gotten him the job as a detective type thing. He wanted Dean to be a tracker or police officer or something. His dad was pretty high in ranks or something and had been doing it for some time. Dean didn't want to, he wanted to fix up cars.

"Mr. Novak?"


"We established your attendance, would you please tell the class what mitosis is?" My science teacher, Ms. Fisher smiled at me. I shook my head, clearing it. I explained what mitosis was and went back to looking out the window. Ugh, I wish school was over.

-after school-

You're hoodie is here babe! :) -CN

:) you're adorable -DW

:* -CN

I love your picture. The one in your trench coat :* I put it in my wallet -DW

:* -CN

Here's a pic of me in the trench coat :) the face I'm making is what I call blue steel :)) -DW

Dean texted a picture of himself in my trench coat. He wore his boots and blue jeans and a tight, black t-shirt. It clung to his body perfectly. My trench coat bellowed around him, and his face was sexy. His lips, slightly puckered and pouted. It was hard to explain his cheeks, he kinda sucked them in. His eyes were slightly squinting, I could barely see through his sunglasses. He had taken it in a bathroom, he was so cute.

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