13 / Kiss My Scars

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Chapter Thirteen:

Dear Readers,

This chapter in the end has a lot of touchy subject. Please, don't feel triggered. I'm just letting you know. Dean does not cut, but he and Cas 'address' the issue. If you feel like it might be too much, please do not read. I will summarise in the next chapter.

Thank you,
- the writer

Castiel's POV:

Hey babe :) you on the road? -CN

Hey Cas this is Sam -SW

Hey Sammy, can I speak to Dean? -CN

He's driving. Your texts are gross as hell you know that right -SW

Don't look at those Sam! Can we FaceTime? -CN

Ok whatever weirdo -SW

I wish Sam hadn't looked at our texts. I mean, we didn't say anything sexual. The most sexual thing was probably like, "I want to kiss you," or "I wish I could touch you." Soon, I was getting a FaceTime call from Dean. I answered and the screen loaded. The phone was moving awkwardly and then it focused. Everything was fuzzy and dark but I could kinda see Dean. A hand turned on a light and then I saw Dean fully. He was driving, his eyes flickering to look at me

"Hey baby! Sam got this car thingy where you attach it to the dashboard and you can put your phone to it! So now you can see me and I can see you!" Dean looked so happy. He was driving steadily, it was really sexy.

"Hello Dean, hi Sammy." I smiled. Dean kept looking over at me, his smile was huge.

"I've missed your face Cas, you're really distracting." He smirked and bit his lip. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow, baby. I love you so much."

"Hello! I'm in the car!" Sam growled. I could see his shoulder tense up as he was probably cringing.

"Shut up Sammy, anyway. How are you Cas?" Dean's eyes looked back to the road.

"I'm good, how are you babe?" I felt so relaxed talking to him. He closed his eyes for a second longer than usual. I forgot I turned him on when I called him 'babe.'

"I'm great, happy to be getting home."

-the next morning-

Castiel's POV: (still)

I got ready to go to Dean's early in the morning. I looked into my mirror, trying to flatten my hair as much as possible. I wore a t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I slipped on my black high-tops and Dean's hoodie. I smiled into the mirror, I was going to see my boyfriend.

"Hey Gabby," I leaned into Gabe's room.

He was combing his hair, "Yeah?"

"You ready?"

"It's 8 am."

"Is that too early? Let me text Dean." I pulled out my phone.

Hey babe would it be ok if we came over now? Btw, good morning :) -CN

Come on over baby :* good morning -DW

"He said we can come over." I smiled, walking out of the room. I walked downstairs and wrote a note.

Off to Dean's. I'll keep in touch. Love you, Castiel and Gabriel

Gabriel followed me, unwrapping a sucker. I popped a mint into my mouth, I had brushed my teeth but I wanted to be perfect for Dean. We walked to their houses, getting there in minutes. We were only a block or so away and we both walked fast. I knocked on the door, Sam answered.

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