9 / Missing Somone You Know

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Chapter Nine:

Good morning baby :* -DW

Good morning babe :*:* -CN

Should I call you? :) -DW

Yes babe :) -CN

Dean's POV:

I tapped on Cas's contact and tapped 'FaceTime.' He answered almost immediately. The screen loaded for a second and then there was his beautiful face in front of me. It looked like he had just woken up, his hair was extra floppy and messy. It looked amazing, perfect sex hair. He looked just a little bit of tired, but Cas did probably only wake up a little bit ago. I smiled at him, he was so cute and sexy. I wanted to wake up to him every single day and nuzzle against him and hold him. I wanted to touch him so bad, to kiss him.

"I want you lips," Cas immediately said, after looking at my face.

"I want yours," I murmured. His lips looked so perfect, I wanted them against mine. "This is hard, baby. I really want to touch you but I cant." I put in my earbuds so I could listen better. Sam was still asleep. I got up and switched to the porch out back. "Sammy was in there, I just want it to be you and me," I looked into his eyes. The connection was a little worse out here so he became a little bit fuzzy which made me want to cry.

"Babe," Cas's blue eyes weren't as beautiful on FaceTime.

I smiled broadly and closed my eyes, "I told you not to do that."

He smiled, "And I said be warned."

"I love but hate FaceTime," I looked up at him. It was so weird, looking up into his fuzzy eyes. I wanted him here, next to me. "I want you here so badly," I wanted to some how reach out my face and touch his.

"I love seeing you but, but I can't touch you. I hate that a lot. I hate it more than I've ever hated somehting. I wanna be with you," Cas got really quiet. It made me miss him more.

Castiel's POV:

Texting was much different than talking. With texting you didn't stutter and you just kinda sent the message and hoped for the best. But talking was hard, it wasn't really with Dean, though. He was easy. I just kinda spilled everything out. He just spilled right back so it must be an OK thing. Dean looked like a perfect sex god, a little messy from waking up. He was perfect, and mine.

"I love you," I just kinda randomly spoke.

Dean raised his head, "I love you too." I blushed and he chuckled. "You make me act so weird. I want to kiss you so bad."

I smiled shyly, "I wanna kiss you too." Dean smiled and looked down, his face red.

My mom called the home phone, great. "Dean, I'm so sorry my mom is calling me. I gotta take this, she probably wants to check up on me. I'm sorry. I'll call you right back, OK?"

Dean nodded, "It's OK, I love you."

"I'm sorry, I love you, too. I'm sorry."

"If you apologise one more time I'm going to hang up on you."

"But you need to. I'm sor-I love you." I hung up but I didn't want to.

Dean's POV:

He hung up, what a dork. What a cute dork. My dork. Ugh, Cas made me act like a little girl. I kinda liked it though, it made me feel so weird and happy. I slid my phone in my pocket and walked into the motel room. Dad left Sammy and I a bag of bagels, I took one out and started to eat it. I pulled another one out and turned around. Sammy was sitting on his bed, looking down.

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