Where to?

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Chapter 1

It was 6:00 pm. The sunset appeared from my room's window as It started to disappear slowly with the bright yellow sun rays, my wand in my hand waving with it it gullibility packing my clothes, my essentials. Getting ready for tomorrow's travel.
Getting back to my another home, Hogwarts.
I've never felt bad or bored for going back to Hogwarts, absolutely. Excitement killed me and I just can't wait to reunion again with my three best friends Harry,Hermione and Ron.
I really do miss them a lot. This year will be the fourth year for all of us together.
The Weasleys' house was missed too, I've spent the christmas vacation there several times before.
By this time I believe that Harry is already at the Weasley's now.

A lot of things has changed in this last year, Until now I still can't believe that I had the power to get over what I've faced, Before I close my bag, I walked through the closet grabbing my necklace, wrapping it around my neck. I opened it to see Sylvia's bronze hair falling across her face with a smile and the  dimple on her left cheek. I got back to my thoughts shaking my head to concentrate.

I've made my arrangements to meet Hermione tomorrow at the kings cross station to head there together.

There was a feeling deep inside me, a happy feeling that I'll see The Boy who lived again..
I've never felt any feelings for any one before,but with Harry.. it's quite strange.
I just don't know, do I like him? Sometimes I think like Ewww, he is just my friend.
Actually I am considering him as a friend more that any other thing. But really I am not sure. I'm so perplexed and lost.
The first time I felt that I was afraid for him and that I felt I might lose him, the last year when he got stuck at the forbidden forest.
That day I was deadly worried, after this day a lot of things has changed, But to Harry.. He just sees me as a friend just as Hermione. He never felt anything for me and I think he never will..

"Louisa, dinner's ready. Come on". My mother's voice interrupted my thoughts as I rushed down stairs.

"Coming". I said, descending the stairs.

"Guess what dessert I've cooked?" Mum asked me with a playful wink.

I close my eyes, letting the sense of my smelling to know ."mmmm..it's the pumpkin cake that I love". I opened my eyes, saying in enthusiasm.

"Yes,deary". My mother smiled kindly at me, I leaned towards her wrapping my hands around her neck, closing my eyes as she hugs me back.

"Thank you,Mum. For everything". I said, still hugging her.
I hear mum sobbing and sniffing . I can feel her warm tears rolling down her cheeks,I let her go off my hug, looking at her teary eyes in pain I'm managing to hide.
"Mum,what was that? Why you crying". I know exactly why she was crying.

"Lou, I want you to know that I love you the most, and I am worried about you..and I will always refuse the idea for heading back to Hogwarts. You are the only one that I have after you father and Sylvia." My mother cried as the memory crashed through my mind.

"Don't worry,mum. I'll be fine please believe me and have faith in me". I tried to comfort her, looking at her green yet grey eyes.

"Well, I believe that you are the most brilliant witch not only in Hogwarts, but in the whole world".

"And I promise you, nothing is going to happen, nobody can touch me, I shan't let it happen". I stared at her with a slight smile tugging my lips.

"That's my girl". She giggled, squeezing my hand softly.

I packed up my luggage as we walked through the door, closing it behind me before my eyes landed on the pendent photo on the wall, A little me smiling widely, tucking my blonde strands of hair behind my ear as Sylvia lifts me up in the air all of a sudden, Dad wrapping his arms around Mum's waist looking at the camera with a grin as Mum was placing her hands around Sylvia's shoulder with a sweet smile. I watched the photo for God knows how many times that I got lost in it, I felt a hand squeezing my back gently, I turned my head to see Mum smiling weakly at me , "Shall we?" She asked. I nodded as we got out , pulling my luggage with me, locking the door's house behind us.

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