Blink Of an Eye ( A Niall Horan Love Story)

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CHAPTER ONE! This is my first book! I hope you like it! It's not your typical love story... It's got a definite twist!!!

I'll get Chapter 2 hopefully up and running tonight..(: Chapter 3 definantly by tomorrow evening!!! Check out the sidebar for the book Trailer!!!

"Kadence! Kadence! The Waffle has spoken!" A large voice erupted throughout my head...

"No! I don't want it! I prefer Pancakes! Shut up!" I yelled as loud as I possibly could out into the blackness... What was going on...Everyone KNEW I loved pancakes.....

"Kadence! Kadence! KADENCE!!!" The voice just kept drumming through my ears...

"Honey, if you don't get up I swear to the lord almighty you WILL NOT get these pancakes I made...Brad will eat them all and you'll be stuck with waffles" The voice seemed to be familiar...Who was it? Oh yeah.. I'm in bed... Oh, my god thats right! Today was the day Brad would be leaving for a week! I burst out of my covers so fast my mom ended up throwing a spatula at me...

"Kadence! What the hell?! You scared me!" She scolded me for a good five minutes on how I need to get up early..

"Sorry Mom!! Okay Okay! I'm sorry!" Throwing on my favorite Seattle Hoodie I got from Sea-Tac airport I rushed out of my room into the kitchen of our tiny apartment in California... I saw a new magazine on the table and squeeled, the headline read "ONE DIRECTION HITS TO AMERICA!" Well... I've known about them for the past 6 months or so but whatever.... Grabbing some pancakes and drowning them in syrup I flipped through the magazine, kissing every picture of my dream guy.. Niall Horan...What. A. Babe.... 

"You lips are gonna become stained with ink of you keep doing that..." A husky voice said from behind his Newpaper...

"I'll do it all I want! I love him and you need to respect your future Step-son-in-law...I think? Is that right? Hm..I don't know... Haha" I gabbed on about Niall and Brad just ignored me....He did that alot... Being my step-dad he really didn't care about me..More about getting it on with my mom... EWW! I know! My Biological father gave up custody 4 years ago after a raging court case and I haven't talked to him in forever.. He was my dad and all but I hated that stupid druggie.... He slept around with so many people I have no clue how many brothers and sisters I have...Eww...

"Oh Hey, Kadence" My mom shouted at me from her room...

"Queso?!" My usual word for what... I'm a random girl...My mom is totally used to it though..

"Bianca called and said she'll be over later so you guys can go to the mall and buy your outfits for the One Direction concert" 

"Got it!" I yelled... THANK GOD We were finally going to get these... I somewhat look like Niall in the first place...What with our Blue eyes and blonde hair... All our habits are the same as well... and they were like that BEFORE I found out about the band. Grabbing my phone, (A very beat up LG Rhyme) I punched contacts and found the picture of Harry Styles..Which was Bianca's, my best friend, lover. I called her and she of course answered in all her weirdness..

"Pucca Pucaa sayy what!!!"

"Bee, Shut up...Are we finally gonna get the polos and Supras?" We were planning on dressing up like the boys for the concert and since I looked like Niall...Who else should I dress up for?!

"Yess!!!! Finally!!! I got the money we earned from babysitting.. 81 Bucks!!! Woop Woop! Holla!!"

She is fricken crazy...

"Finally! Oh My God!!! It's been like a week...So I'll meet you out by my sign and we'll walk down...Right?"

"You got it! My sista from another Mista!" She hung up right after that...I swear to god I love her but she is so crazy...I walked into my room to greet my back wall covered in One Direction photos...Blew them a kiss and then walked into my bathroom...

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