Chapter 32-- I hate Lying

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We layed on the couch for almost two hours. Just talking and watching T.v. I was laying beside him on the couch and he had his arm around me the whole time. We were both cuddlers so I guess that just makes it one big cuddle fest, of course we didn't mind. I was starting to drift off to sleep when I realized I was still in my jeans...

"Crap.." I muttered. He looked at my jeans and knew exactly what I was thinking. He moved me a little bit and got off the couch. I watched him walk into his room without a word... Umm..What is he doing?

"I can fix that!" He said as he came out. He was holding a pair of boxers and one of his Jack Wills T-shirt and threw them at me. They landed on my head and held them up...They looked so hot on him, but watch them make me look like a frump. I shrugged and walked to the bathroom. 

"Or you know..You could just not wear anything!" Niall called out nonchalantly... I rolled my eyes and walked in the bathroom, but before shutting the door I called back, sounding as normal as he did.

"Don't be a perv!" I shut the door but I could still hear him laughing outside. All boys are like that I guess..Can't help it. I took off my day clothes and slid on the boxers...They were very breezy and it was kind of awkward how loose they were. Ehh..I'll be fine, I thought. I slid on the t-shirt and then grabbed my clothes off the floor. 

"How do you wear such baggy underwear?!" I called out while I grabbed a plastic bag out of the kitchen to put my clothes in. Throwing the back in a random corner I walked out to the living room and found a sleeping Niall snoring peacefully on the couch. I did a silent "aww" and went up to cuddle beside him.

"I don't know what I'd do without you" I heard him mumble, I turned my head to look at at him, his eyes were stll shut, but he wasn't snoring anymore.

"I thought you were sleeping.." I whispered. He smiled and opened his eyes.

"I'm just that good of an actor!" He said. I rolled my eyes and cuddled next to him. He grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and threw it over the both of us. I smiled as he wrapped both of his arms around me. It was sucha feeling of beignsafe, and warmth..It was almost intoxicating. I could live in this moment forever. Well I guess we only had tonight...


I was woken up by loud banging on the door. Niall was still snoring, but I shook him awake. Someone was literally pounding on the door outside. I had no clue who it was until they started to yell.

"Niall! Niall! Can you come out here for a second?!" It was Liam. Oh god what time was it?! I grabbed my phone off the coffee tableand checked the time. It was 10:06... Liam got back an hour ago! I looked at Niall and both of our eyes got wide... We both jumped up quickly and raced around. 

"say something!" I whispered. He looked around really quickly and then finally called back to Liam while motioning me to go hide in his room.

"Hold your horses! I'll be there in a bit!" He yelled. I booked it over to his room and jumped on his bed. For his apartment being so dirty his room was actually really clean... I tucked myself under his covers and hid. It felt childish but I was still scared out of my life. 

I heard Niall open the door and could hear a bit of mumbling. After a long conversation the door fnially shut. I stayed under the covers not taking any chances... I heard Nialls door open and he started laughing. I popped my head out from the covers and he was laughing and staring at me.

"You actually thoguht hiding under my blankets was going to work... You looked like a large shaking lump!" He said. Oh gosh... I crossed my arms and pouted. 

"Well! I've never had to do that before and I panicked!" I yelled. He chuckled a bit and raised his arms out to hug me. He walked over and wrapped them around me. I refused him and lifted my nose until he apologized. He did and I smiled...

"I love you" I whispered. He smiled and bent down to kiss me.

"I love you too babe" He said. I almost forgot about the Liam porblem but then I thought. 

"I AM IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" I screamed in his face. I didn't mean to but it was just kind of a "Scream what your thinking/ Louis Tomlinson" moment. His facial expression was priceless though... He backed away and rubbed his ear...

"What do I do?! oh god! He'll ship me back to America! Oh god! Oh god!" I was freaking out. Niall grabbed my wrists and forced me to look at him.

"KADY! Calm down! So why don't you just say you forgot your key so you went to a hotel. Then if he asks why you didn't answer your phone why don't you say it died?" He said. My eyes got wide. Perfect! 

"Okay! But I'll need to come back in a cab to make it sound realistic... " I said. HE nodded and grabbed his phone. 

"I'll call you one. But you better be prepaired to be yelled at anyway..At least with this we can gaurentee he won't ground your horribly or something..." He said. I nodded as he called. 

The taxi came and I gave Niall a kiss goodbye and of course he had texted me the minute I got into the cab. He was the best boyfriend ever. Really. The driver was little confused as t owhy we drove a 5 minute distance but he got paid so I guess he didn't really care. I took a deep breath and started to climb up the stairs, I knocked on the door and Liam opened... 

"KADY?! Where have you been! Dear god!" He yelled as he grabbed my wrist and yanked me inside. I saw Lou and Zayn sitting on the couch...Lou made a grim face at me and did the "Your Dead" hand motion...Oh god..

"Okay Liam..Just listen..I left my key in here and I didn't know what to do..My phone had already died and I don't carry a charger in my purse! So I went to the little bed and breakfast about 20 minutes from here and I stayed the night there!" I said. Liam's anger seemed to die down a bit. I knew if he was irrational, Lou and Zayn would back me up.

"hmm...Alright.." He said..He sounded confused. But I took it.

"Well...I'm gonna go change.. " I muttered as I ran to my bedroom. Everyone looked confused but I had t oget out of the room, I hated lying to him. It felt like kicking a puppy, he was the sweetest person. I turned my phone on and set it on my bed but walked back when I heard it vibrating...

My manager was calling me...

Very short filler chapter but HEY I GOT ONE OUT! I'm gonna make super long and very good chapters this weekend! Promise!!!

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