Chapter 39 --- Plot Twist?

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I know this is odd but I'm dedicating this Chapter to Ed Sheeran because his songs gave me inspiration on what I was going to write about next:) Thanks all for reading! Don't forget to listen to the song! I describes the most shocking part of this chapter! 

"Alright love, you two be careful now!" Maura said to Niall and I on the porch, our luggage being loaded into the small van that had come to pick us up. I smiled at her and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you" I whispered. She smiled and then it was Niall's turn to say goodbye. His eyes were damp and you could tell he was holding back tears. He and his mom embraced for a long time, I used that chance to hug Greg goodbye and text Louis.

To: Mr. FabuLouis!

Hey! Were just saying goodbye! Should be home by 3! <3

It was 11 am right now so that was my best estimation. He texted back with an okay and then some random thing I didn't pay attention to. After Niall said goodbye to Greg, he grabbed my hand and we walked to the car, he opened my door for me and I got in. 

"You'll see them again" I said reassuringly. Niall nodded and I saw a quick tear escape and slide down his cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb and cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arm around me and the driver took us to the airport.

--------------------------------*Le A couple hours later at Heathrow;)-----------------------------------

The first thing I saw was a figure running at me, full speed. My eyes were wide and I started to run to Niall but then I realized who it was.

"KADY!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" Louis screamed as he picked me up and through me over his shoulder. I was laughing so hard I couldn't reply back. Niall ran up and walked beside Louis, who refused to put me down until we got to the car.

"Lou!!! This is ridiculous!" I said, laughing as that Papparazzi took pictures of us... Great. 

"You were gone for far too long and I refuse to let you leave again!" He yelled. I gave up and just went limp, hanging over his shoulder. Niall was laughing so hard the whole time. I gave him a serious glare that ended up in fits of giggles.  Louis picked us up because of course like I said before..Niall didn't want to leave his car in the parking lot... 

I was happy to get home and see Liam. Truth be told, I missed him a little too much. We dropped Niall off first and then went to my place... also Liam's haha

"So..How was the trip?" Louis asked as we were driving. Oh shit...He knows about it the whole blackmailing thing.

"It was great! I had the best pancakes of my life and I went and watched Niall golf and it was just so much fun!" I said smiling widely. Louis looked concerned. He acted alot like a big brother too.

"You know, you should have told us you were getting blackmailed..." He said quietly. I looked out my window and thought for a minute. How can I make this better and make them forget. Then I realized that I could fix this.

"Well actually, I figured out that Olivia was just kidding! She said it was kind of a motivational thing and it worked because she knew once I did it I would love it!" I said smiling at him. He looked puzzeled for a minute then thought about it. 

"So it was just a big misunderstanding?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. He furrowed his eye brows but then just shrugged.

"Alrighty! Well text me, love! We need to go do something together!" He said as we pulled into the apartment grounds. I told him okay, gave him a kiss on the cheek and went up the stairs to our flat. I reached for the handle  the door swung open. 

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