Chapter 2. The Library and The Gym... our favorites!

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The next class period for Castiel and Dean was a free period, and they both headed to the library. Castiel walked to a corner, then beckoned Dean over. Dean walked over, looking confused. Castiel put a finger to his lips, and pulled out two tiles from the floor. He then jumped in, and Dean followed. Castiel flipped a switch, and put the tiles back. Dean looked around with an awed expression. They seemed to be in a basement of some sort. Their were bean bags and chairs and books and tables and a MINI FRIDGE! Dean smiled widely and sat on a blue beanbag. Castiel laughed silently and sat down. Castiel looked at him, pondering whether it was safe to speak. Dean stared straight on back.

"I'm C-Cast-Castiel," Castiel stammered.

"Hi, C-Cas-Cas. I'm D-Dean," Dean stammered back.

"When was last time y-you talked?" Cas asked.

"Three weeks a-ago. You?" Dean answered.

"Two w-weeks ago," Cas answered. Dean nodded.

"Why d-don't you t-talk to people?" Cas asked.

"M-m-my f-f-father was a-abusive and t-told me that i-if I spoke t-to him he would k-kill me. W-which h-he tried to a-anyways, he was a d-drunk," Dean's stammer got worse as he explained. Cas nodded.

"My d-dad and o-older brothers were d-drunks, d-decided I h-had no d-discipline, a-and needed to be s-straightened o-out," Cas murmured. Dean nodded.

"I-I protected my k-kid b-brother when m-my dad was around, a-and n-now h-he protects m-me, h-how ironic," Dean deadpanned. Cas laughed silently. Dean fell silent and looked at the ground.

"M-mental or ph-physical?" Castiel asked.

"What?" Dean asked.

"A-abuse. You know, I-if it's o-okay to a-ask," Cas explained.

"M-m-mental and ph-physical, y-you," Dean said.

"B-both," Castiel said. Dean nodded. The bell rang and they jumped up. Dean pulled himself up from the floor, and Cas followed him. They both fell back into their mute time, looking at their schedules and comparing. They literally had every class together. Next was gym, and they headed to the locker room. Walking in, Dean walked up to the coach, who handed him a pair of shorts and a shirt. Dean took them and shuffled off, grabbing the locker next to Cas. Cas and him waited for the rest of the boys to clear out, then began to change. Cas glanced at Dean, and noticed scars and words engraved on his sides. On his left, the word "FAGGOT" was burnt into his skin. On the right, "Disgrace" was carved in sloppily, along with many other random lines and cuts. They stopped at his shoulders and collar bones, as if his father had been trying to hide them. Dean noticed him looking and shied away, pulling on his shirt. Dean then looked at Cas, and noticed a large set of wings carved into his back, made up of cuts and burns. And "FAGGOT" was carved into his lower back. Cas put on his shirt quickly, and they walked out. Cas smiled slightly at the thought that they were both gay, but the euphoria diminished at the way he had found out. To think his father has abused him for what he was. Dean ran up to him, and grabbed his hand, dragging him with him. Cas smiled as Dean dragged him to the court. They were playing dodge ball. Dean smiled like this was his favorite thing ever.

"We're playing the middle schoolers today. Alright, since Dean is the new kid, he will be team captain. And... erm... you! Uriel!" The coach pointed to a large black boy, who grinned maliciously. Dean's face hardened, and Cas could tell this was his turf. Dean chose first, and he pointed to Cas, who smiled. Then Uriel picked a boy named Zachariah. Dean chose Sam, then Uriel chose some random boy. Cas pointed to Gabriel, then Dean pointed to him. When they were done, Dean had Sam, Cas, Gabriel, Cas' siblings Lucifer, Michael (twins), and Anna, along with a girl named Jo, and Garth, a nerdy, wiry boy. Uriel had Crowley, Zachariah, Raphael, Naomi, Abbadon, and five other unnamed boys. The coach whistled and they began throwing the balls. Dean, Sam, Gabriel, and the twins got half the team down in about five minutes. Finally, all that was left was Uriel, Raphael, Zachariah, and Crowley. Other than Garth, Dean's entire team was still there. Dean smirked at Uriel, and feigned throwing a ball at him. Uriel dove to the ground, then the twins sent a volley of balls at him. Uriel fumed and sat down. Then Uriel's team split up, standing at separate places. Jo frowned at Raphael, then threw three balls around her. She had no where to go, so she jumped up, where a ball from Cas hit her in the chest. She hit the ground and stormed off. Dean grinned and high-fived Cas. Cas smiled and shoved his shoulder. Jo and Anna started to look like they were talking, and Zachariah snuck up behind them. Then they turned and pelted him. He turned and ran off the court. Finally it was just Crowley and Dean's team. They all smiled, and he smiled right back. They all held up three balls, and threw them across the court. Ten of them hit Crowley, and he yelled and threw one straight into Dean's face. It hit him smack in the nose, and his nose began to bleed, but he ignored it. He celebrated with his team. Cas grinned when he was brought into a noogie by Dean. When he was let go of, he pulled a tissue out of his pocket and grabbed Dean's shoulder, spinning his around. He wiped up the blood and stuck a piece up each nostril. Dean smiled his thanks and pulled Cas into a hug. Sam smiled and walked up to Gabriel, whispering in his ear. Gabriel grinned and they shook hands. Dean leaned into Cas' shoulder and whispered.

"Should we b-be worried?" Dean asked.

"P-probably," Cas answered, and Dean laughed, swinging his arm over Cas' shoulder. Gabriel looked at Sam and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Dammit, I'm gonna lose this bet," Sam muttered.

"They are so gonna make out within the week," Gabriel laughed.


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