Chapter 16. Gettin Better

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A month passed. Bruises and fractures healed.
Three months passed. Breaks healed.
Six months passed and the doctors told Dean that he could start walking again.
They were at the hospital, sitting back in an examination room. Dean was sitting on the bed, wiggling nervously. Cas was next to him, arm around his shoulders. Dean was fidgeting and swinging his skinny legs. He rubbed his recently-healed knee anxiously, looking down.
"It'll be okay," Cas said, removing his arm and taking his hand. Dean squeezed his hand, smiling small. The doctor walked in before they could say anything, and Dean sat higher. Cas moved away, sitting next to Bobby. Dean watched him, then looked at the doctor.
"Are you ready?" He asked, smiling. Dean nodded nervously.
"I guess," he muttered, and the doctor smiled wider.
"Alright. Now, I want you to stand up, slowly," he said, smiling. Dean nodded and touched his feet to the floor. Cas smiled at him encouragingly, and Dean smiled back. He pushed himself off the bed, knees buckling him slightly. Cas reached out to him but the doctor subtly shook his head. Dean took a deep breath, closing his eyes and looking at his feet.
"Don't screw this up," he mumbled to them. He sighed and took a slow step, his knee buckling again. He took another step, and another, and Cas stood. He was in front of Dean suddenly, and Dean smiled at him. Cas smiled back and Dean took a step closer. Suddenly, Cas launched himself into Dean's arms and Dean spun. Cas laughed as Dean set him down, kissing him. Cas pulled away, smiling widely and squishing his face.
"You did it!" He yelled.
"I did it!" Dean screamed back.
"You did it!"
"I did it!" Dean started to laugh, kissing him again. Dean heard clapping and turned to look at Bobby, Sam, Ellen, and Jo. They were all grinning at him and he walked over to them, pulling Sam into a hug. Sam laughed and hugged him back tightly. Bobby clapped him on the shoulder, standing to talk to the doctor. Dean sat down a few minutes later, legs feeling weak and like Jello.
"It'll take a while to get back into the swing of things. Just give it time," the doctor said. Dean nodded, smiling. Bobby brought over the wheelchair to take him out to the car, but Dean shook his head.
"I got it," he smiled, standing up and walking out the door. Bobby smiled and left the wheelchair, following him out. Halfway down the hallway, Dean ended up leaning slightly on Cas' arm, legs shaking as he walked down the stretch of tile. They got out the door and Dean immediately jumped in the drivers seat, running his hands up and down the steering wheel.
"Oh baby I missed driving you," he smiled, starting the car. Cas jumped in the passenger seat, the others riding in Bobby's truck. Dean backed out and drove home, smiling the whole time. When they got home, he leapt out, skipping across the lawn and running up the stairs. Of course, as soon as they were up there he collapsed on the bed, panting. Cas laid next to him, hugging himself around him. Dean hugged back, curling up against him with his head against his chest.
"I'm so glad you're okay," Cas mumbled.
"Me too Cassie," Dean mumbled back, kissing his neck and closing his eyes. Cas twisted his fingers in his hair slowly, breathing deeply.
The next day they went to school, and Dean walked by himself. When he and Cas walked into home room, Ms. Song beamed and clapped. She was soon joined by most of the class. Most being everyone except Crowley and his dicky 'friends'. Dean blushed and looked down, shuffling to his seat. The clapping slowly died off with a wave of Ms. Song's hand. Dean and Cas sat down, not looking at anyone. Dean didn't want to see happiness for him in unfamiliar eyes. And Cas just didn't want to look at people. When the bell rang, they left the classroom as fast as they could. Dean stumbled a bit and latched onto Cas' arm. Cas grabbed his arm, helping him to the library. They went to their spot and fell onto a beanbag. Dean kissed Cas, who was laying on top of him. Cas kissed back, holding himself up with his elbows. Dean pulled him down so he was laying entirely on top of him, smiling. Cas laughed and kissed him again, rolling so he was laying next to him. Dean smirked and kissed him again, then splayed out on the beanbag. Cas splayed next to him. Dean pulled him to his side, hugging him tightly and smiling.
"I-I love you Dean," Cas whispered. Dean froze, then melted around Cas.
"I love you too Cas," Dean whispered into his ear, kissing his ear. Cas grinned. Dean smiled and nuzzled into his shoulder. They stayed like that until the bell rang, then got up and went to gym. They dressed out, and ran out of the lockers. It was a free day, so Dean started to play basketball. Cas was playing tether ball with Charlie.
"So Cas. How's it going with you and Dean?" She asked.
"Good, yeah. Why?" He asked.
"Just curious. Plus those chicks over there have been staring at him like meat," she nodded to a group of girls. Cas glanced at them and shrugged.
"Eh. Everyone knows he's gay and we're together," Cas said, grinning. Charlie laughed and shrugged.
"Just saying," she smirked. Cas smirked and whacked the ball, making it fly around the pole and then bounce back. Dean ran over and kissed his cheek, swinging an arm around his shoulder. Cas pressed his face into Dean's neck, smiling. Charlie cooed and kissed Dean's cheek. Dean smirked and patted her head. Cas grinned and kissed Dean's other cheek. Dean laughed and ran around, skipping. Cas rolled his eyes, laughing.
"You're so weird!" He called.
"And you love it!" Dean countered, smiling and kissing him.


Uuuuugh schoooooool. Sorry for taking so Ming my lovelies! And Karl, of course. ;)

OMG so my steel drums teacher calls us lovelies YAY! She's awesome.


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