Chapter 14. Dean's Beatdown

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Dean woke up to Cas slowly pulling himself from his arms, and groaned, pulling him back.

"Dean I gotta pee," Cas whispered, and Dean let go. When he came back, he and Dean gasped at the same time.

"Your face!" They gasped. They ran to the bathroom. They're faces were bright red, as were their necks and forearms. Dean touched his face, and winced.

"Don't touch your face. It h-hurts like hell," Dean muttered, looking down. Cas laughed, a walking out and asking Ellen for aloe. She handed it to him before he could finish the sentence. He took it and went back in the bathroom, he and Dean rubbing it on their faces and moaning at the touch of the cool gel. They heard a laugh outside the door and opened it to a sleepy looking Sam.

"Dorks. Let me in the bathroom," he said, shoving Dean out of the way. They left the bathroom and went up in Dean's room. They sat on Dean's bed quietly for a few hours until Bobby came in and told Cas that he had to go home now. They said their goodbyes and Cas left with Bobby.

The next day neither of them did anything except sleep really late and lie on their beds all day.

The day after was Monday, and they went to school. Obviously. First period went smoothly, as did their free period. But gym was a whole other matter. In the locker room, Cas had just finished dressing out and was waiting by the door for Dean when Crowley shoved him to the ground, approaching Dean. Dean was facing the other way, about to pull on his gym shirt when Crowley slammed his head into the locker. Dean stumbled back, disoriented, and Crowley caught him by his throat. Cas was still on the ground, hand rising blankly and touching a cut on his temple. Dean made a choking noise, lashing out wildly and clipping Crowley's nose with his fist. Crowley cursed at him, punching him in the face over and over. Dean gasped every time, but didn't fall unconscious. In fact, he seemed to be getting stronger with every hit. He lashed out once more, feet kicking out Crowley's knees. Crowley stumbled and sank to his knees, and Dean's feet hit the ground. He swayed for a moment, then punched Crowley in the nose. Crowley yelped, and jumped to his feet, punching Dean in the stomach as hard as he could. Dean collapsed with a gasp, and Crowley's feet connected with his ribs over and over. Crowley kicked his knee once for good measure, and Dean whimpered. Suddenly, there was a blur of grey and blue gym clothes as Castiel launched himself at Crowley, punching him and kicking him, pushing him towards the lockers and away from a semiconscious Dean. Crowley hit the lockers, then fell to his ass, groaning. Cas knocked him out, and he slumped over. Castiel ran from the locker room, screaming for the coach to come help. The coach, Charlie, Kevin, Garth, the twins, Anna, Jo, Sam, and Gabe all ran in the locker room. The girls let out small sobs when they saw Dean, Sam landed on his knees next to his brother, Gabe ran and pulled Cas towards him, checking him for injuries, Kevin and Garth ran for the nurse, the twins looked ready to beat the crap out of Crowley, and the coach was kneeling on the other side of Dean. He rolled Dean carefully off his side to his back, and Dean groaned softly.

"Dean?" Sam said quietly, a broken whisper cutting through the mist in Dean's mind. Dean's eyes opened groggily, unfocused and bleary. Sam gave a wretched half sob, and Dean took a deep, shaky breath, and gasped painfully. The coach looked at his scarred chest, hands feeling gently for anything unnatural.

"Winchester... uh, Dean, can you talk? How bad does it hurt?" The coach said, and Dean cocked his head slightly. Sam touched his shoulder carefully.

"Dean can you answer him?" Sam asked. Dean whispered something too quiet for anyone to hear. Sam leaned forwards and Dean said it again.

"It... h-hurts... to... breathe," he breathed out in a gasp and a catch of breath in his throat. Sam relayed what he said to the coach. The coach breathed a curse quietly, and then Kevin and Garth ran in with the nurse following. She looked Dean over once and muttered under her breath, then looked at the others.

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