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Words appear on a page.
A random person types so you may read this.
Welcome to my story.
So, guys, you have been a wonderful crowd. This is where this high-school AU ends.
Now, now, calm your flailing limbs. Don't cry, stupid. I promised you an epilogue, and a sequel. I'll have the epilogue up around Christmas, and the sequel after New Year's. If you have any suggestions, input, or comments, I would love to hear them! You can comment, message me, or reach me by picking up your phone, whispering 'the geese are coming' and then relaying your message.
Just kidding, that only works in Night Vale. But yeah, y'all have been fantastic. Love ya, hug ya, wink wink nudge nudge.
Goodbai, farewell, see you in a while, me lovelies.

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