I Still Love You!

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Ryan's POV:

I'm so glad Brendon decided to give me another chance. I was so dumb to leave the band just because I was scared he would hate me for breaking up with him when we did. Even though I still love him, I won't take a chance and ruin our friendship again. Besides, he said he loved me when we did break up, but I'm sure he doesn't anymore.

As I'm thinking this, I go into my room and grab a loose shirt and pajama bottoms and cloths for tomorrow. I grab the other stuff I need and put them in a overnight bag. I look around and make sure I didn't forget anything, and I shut the lights off and leave the house and lock the door and go and get into Brendon's car.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, let's go." I say, smiling at him.

"Alright, let's turn on the radio and sing along to what songs come on!" He says, smiling too and starting to drive.

"Haha, I like that!" I tell him and he turns on the radio. Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off is starting to playing and we both start to laugh.

"Of all songs that they could play!" He says after laughing.

"I know!" I tell him.

"Is it still me that makes you sweat!" Brendon sings. Ohh, that is so true. He still does make me sweat and nervous.

"Ryan!" I hear him say while I'm thinking.

"Sorry, what?" I say, blushing a little.

"Haha, it's your turn to sing." He says, laughing a little.

"Oh haha, right, sorry." I tell him.

"It's fine." He says.

"So testosterone boys and harlequin girls, Dance to this beat!" I sing and we both finish off the song. We are both laughing when Brendon pulls up into his driveway.

"That was awesome!" Brendon says as we get out of the car.

"Yeah, it was!" I say as he unlocks the door. When we walk in, his smile turns in to a small frown.

"What's wrong Brendon?" I ask.

"I forgot, I have to sign the divorce papers." He says, then sighs.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I tell him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Ryan. Let me sign them while you put your stuff up." He says looking at me.

"Alright, I will." I say.

"Okay, you can sleep in one of the guest rooms, or in my room, you can pick." He says.

"I'll stay in your room." I tell him, and he smiles a little.

"Okay, it's upstairs on your right. First door. I'll be up in a minute." He tell me.

"Okay." I say and walk up the stairs and find his room. I put my bag down and wait for him to come in. After a few minutes, I hear the door open and see Brendon carrying a bottle of Vodka, two shot glasses, and and a deck of cards.

"What are those for?" I ask, laughing a little.

"I was thinking, how about a game of strip poker." He says, winking.

"Umm, ok, but what's with the Vodka?" I ask, feeling nervous.

"Well, if you don't want to take off any cloths, like your shirt or boxers, you can make up for it by taking a shot." He say.

"Sounds good to me." I tell him.

"Awesome! Okay, let's sit on the floor and start." He tells me, sitting in the middle of the floor, and I sit down too. When we get our first hand, Brandon wins and I give him a shoe.

After over an hour, I am down to my boxers and have already taken about seven shots. Brendon still has his shirt and boxers and has only taken three shots. With the next hand, I win it and Brendon takes off his shirt. I can barely think right. Then his phone goes off. He answers and puts it on speaker.

"Hey Bill, you're on speaker, I'm with Ryan." He tells Bill.

"Okay, that's good! I got a call about ten minutes ago and the news what to do an interview tomorrow morning." He tells us.

"Sounds good, at what time?" Brendon asks.

"They said 11 in the morning." Bill answers.

"Yeah, sounds good. Have you already told Spencer and Dallon?" Brendon asks.

"Yeah, and they both agree. What about you Ryan, if you want to go public about you coming back to Panic!?" He asks me.

"Yeah, sounds good to me too." I tell him, trying not to slur my words.

"Great, and they want you to preform a few songs too." Bill says.

"Okay, cool!" Brendon tells him.

"Okay, I'll call them back and say you guys can. Bye." Bill tells us.

"Bye!" Me and Brendon both say and he hangs up.

"Okay, we can play some old songs, but can you learn a few new ones for tomorrow?" Brendon asks, sitting on the bed.

"I already know all the songs." I tell him, also sitting on the bed.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah, I've been practicing since I decided to come back to the band." I tell him.

"Oh, alright! Awesome!" He says. I look at what time it is and see it is almost midnight. I let the Vodka sit in, and I decide to tell Brendon how I feel.

"Brendon, I have something to tell you." I say.

"What's that?" He asks.

"I.. I still love you!" I say, nervouse

"Ryan, I.. I love you too!" He says, hugging me. We pull away and I look at the clock again. It's midnight.

"Happy Birthday Brendon!" I tell him and then kiss him. He kisses back, and we lay down with Brendon laying on top of me. I could start to feel him, and he breaks the kiss.

"Are you sure you want to do this Ryan?" He asks me. I bite my lip and nod my head. I then kiss him again.

Brendon's POV:

I wake up with a slight headache and look and see Ryan still asleep. Then, everything comes back to me. Ryan told me he still loves me and I told him I still love him, and... and we did it. Oh no, I slept with my best friend. I look, and we are wearing our boxers, but I know we did it. What if it was just the Vodka talking, and he doesn't actually like me? I may have ruined our friendship. I start to feel Ryan moving. I look at him and he opens his eyes.

"Good morning Ryan." I say. He smiles at me.

"Good morning and Happy Birthday!" He tells me. "What happened last night?" He then asks.

He doesn't remember, the Vodka must have really got to him, but I'm glad he can't. "Bill called and said we have an interview and asked if you wanted to go public about you coming back to the band." I tell him, deciding not to tell him what else happened just yet.

"Oh okay! Cool! At what time?" He asks.

"11, it's 8:30 now, you should go get ready and I will go in after you." I say.

"Okay, thanks!" He say, getting up and grabbing his bag and going into the bathroom. I start to think. Maybe he really does love me still, but I'll wait to tell him we did it.

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