Chapter 12

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Warning: There is violent content that may be disturbing to some of you in this chapter. It is not too detailed, but it's still a gruesome concept. You'll get a little bit of a warning in advance, and so this is just a heads up to look out for it.


It is when things settle down in Dauntless that I give my speech.

With all the casualties and the constant threat of another bombing looming over everyone's heads, it takes a week for Dauntless to become less hectic—and not by much. There are still people that stare above at the rebuilt, glass ceiling of the Pit as if they are expecting an attack. There is a heavy atmosphere composed of solemn faces that fill every room and hallway. There are whisperings about a war that haven't been addressed.

But I plan to change all of that tonight.

As I step up to the edge of the balcony that overlooks the dining hall, Dauntless members crowd around the bottom floor and talk nervously amongst each other. The cafeteria cannot hold every Dauntless member, of course, so that is why there are screens in different parts of the compound that will broadcast my announcement.

When I am spotted up above, everyone bangs their hands on the tables and stomps their feet; it is a Dauntless tradition for when the main leader makes a speech. I have participated many times when Max talked to the faction, but I never understood the rush of speaking in front of this many people, whose support you depend on.

I raise my hand to quiet the crowd down, and they obey. "Thank you," I begin. "I wanted to speak to you tonight regarding the brutal attack we suffered from last week, as well as the meetings I have had with the people outside the fence."

Mutters spread throughout the room. The rumors of the world outside are finally going to be confirmed or denied, and I can feel the excitement and wariness buzzing in every person.

"The outsiders call themselves the Incendiaries; they were inspired by our very own faction. Basically, they have been fighting the government out there, which wants to enslave everyone it can. The Enslavers are the ones who bombed the Pit, so clearly they mean to conquer us next."

The chatter grows louder and harsher. Something is stirring amongst the Dauntless, which is exactly what I wanted so that I could get them on board with the plan to fight back. I already told Commander Lee that I would do my best to get them involved in the war, but that I would leave it up to them, and this is the moment of truth.

"Without warning or a major cause, they slaughtered over two hundred of our members. In some way, we were all deeply affected by this attack," I say solemnly. My words are met with somber faces, and I believe that everyone knew at least one person who was killed or injured, if they weren't themselves. The thought of Shauna lying motionless in the hospital bed in Erudite fuels me on. "Are we going to allow them to get away with this? Are we seriously going to sit back and live without justice?!"

There are shouts of, "No!"

"Of course not!" I meet their enthusiasm, yelling, "We are Dauntless, and the Dauntless fight back!"

The dining hall erupts in cheers and pumping fists. The Dauntless are furious, bloodthirsty, and those emotions can only be satisfied by revenge. They want a war now.

As soon as I manage to settle down the crowd enough to be heard, I raise my voice above it. "It will be difficult in the beginning, especially with the unfamiliar equipment and technology and new territory. But we adapt quickly, and we will be well on our way to retaliation and victory before you know it. I for one will be on the front lines with all of you. Will you join me? Will you join me in the fight for freedom and vengeance?!"

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