Chapter 3. Shiver

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Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. 

Miku was wrong. The dripping wasn't from a leaky pipe.

Akita Neru's body hung upside-down, the noose tied at her ankles, her throat slit, and left to drain like a pig in the slaughterhouse. Her blonde side ponytail was stained with red, and lying next to her left hand was her cell phone. 

Meiko was the first to make a move. She took a couple of steps towards Neru and snatched away the ringing phone. 

One new message. One missed call.

"Who's the call from?" Kaito asked in a shaky voice. It was an unknown number.

Meiko took a deep breath and open the text message. "Rabbit Doubt. The liar must die." Meiko, known for her hard-as-nails attitude, looked as if she was about to cry. "We have to find the wolf among us. Just like the game. I-it's a real-life game of Rabbit Doubt." 

"GYAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Miku tore out of the room and towards the other, locked door. "What the hell is this?! Let me out!!" She began kicking at the door repeatedly. "OPEN THE DOOR!!! LET ME OUT!!!"

Tears streamed down the girl's cheeks as she kicked at the locked door. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!! JUST OPEN IT!! FOR GOD'S SAKE, OPEN THE DOOR!!"

 The other three rushed to her side before she could do any damage to herself. 

Knock! Knock! Knock! "Guys?" A small voice replied from the other side of the door. "Who's in there? Len? Nee-chan?" 

"Rin!" Kaito called out. He turned to a teary Miku and asked her how Meiko managed to get the door open.

"I think..." SeeU looked down at her barcode. She leaned towards the door and pressed her palm to the grey box beside the door. 


And in tumbled Rin Kagamine, her cheeks stained with tears.

"There's a downstairs too." Miku sniffed, as Meiko comforted her. She noticed that there was a set of stairs leading down to another floor. Her face brightened in new hope as she turned to  the five standing behind her. "There could be the way out down there!!" 

And with that, bolted down into the darkness of the first floor.

"Miku wait!!" Kaito called after her, and followed suit. 

Meiko groaned at their stupidity. No-one knew what could have been down there. An exit. A trap. The wolf...

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